We all make terrible financial decisions at least once in our lives. For some, that means buying a new watch just to lose it a week later, or…
Almost everyone has daydreamed about finding their own gold mine at one point or another. We’ve all seen one of those people at the beach mindlessly walking around…
Life will pass you by quicker than you even realize until you start coming upon numerous harsh truths. It’s funny how oftentimes the most profound bits of wisdom…
Shrinkflation is the sad but inevitable way that companies are trying to get the best of us. Big companies don’t think the public will notice things like sodas…
Modern art is a spectacle that takes a keen person to understand. Not many people see a banana taped to the wall as art, and they shouldn’t. The…
Garage Sales are a great place to get cheap gifts for friends and family. Sometimes you can find an amazing deal on some preowned stuff. But sometimes, people…
Roofing is an extremely hard job, which is why it is more than common to hire someone else to work on our roofs. But make no mistake, getting…
Houses are extremely expensive and the cost of them keeps going up. A house that was 150k 20 years ago could be up to double that now. But…
3D printing is a phenomena that started as a concept in the 1980s, but has come so far in the last 20 years. People can 3D print mini…
Any time that you decide to hop onto LinkedIn you need to ready yourself for all kinds of crazy posts. Some of these posts are going to be…