Our bodies are amazing organisms which have complexities we hardly understand. There’s no telling why certain foods upset us, or why remaining stagnant takes away from our ability…
Bizarre is the home for all things beyond logic and common sense. It’s the strangest we can find and defies rational explanation. From the absurd to the hilariously horrifying, it’s a snapshot into a word that’ll leave you shaking your head.
There’s something unmistakably humbling and occasionally spooky about being out at sea for days on end. This rings especially true when nighttime falls. If you’re out there in…
It’s pretty embarrassing to be the person a joke is being played on. The only thing that’s worse, is to be that person, and totally miss the joke.…
It’s extraordinarily easy to get caught up in the flow of life. Sometimes when this happens, we can’t take the time we need outside to enjoy mother nature.…
We all know that some people can be overly emotional. Sometimes it’s fun, but sometimes it’s so cringy that we have to second guess our whole existence. There’s…
We all had dreams as kids to have a secret door that led to a top secret room. It was in just about every super hero movie you…
We’ve all said things that we wish we thought twice about. But there is no way to go back in time, or reverse what we said, so we…
Swimming in unknown waters is always scary. You never know if there’s leaches, or something much more terrifying in the water with you. We’re here to show you…
Sometimes when we’re venting on social media, there’s no way to tell who we are secretly venting about. But some people are so oddly specific that you can…
It’s far too easy to forget just how creepy and unsettling this big old world can end up being. There are all kinds of unspoken horrors lurking out…