You probably didn’t assume that an image of a chair underwater could cast such a spell of wonder on you. You were wrong. Very wrong. There’s something eerily…

You probably didn’t assume that an image of a chair underwater could cast such a spell of wonder on you. You were wrong. Very wrong. There’s something eerily…
Anyone who has a kid will likely tell you that they’re highly effective little agents of pure chaos. The amount of utter destruction that a kid can create…
There’s no denying that there’s long since been beef between boomers and every generation younger than them. If you’re not a boomer yourself, yet you’ve crossed paths with…
You’ve probably come across an entitled, choosy beggar at one point or another in your time on this earth. What’s so wild about certain choosing beggars that you…
Do you ever feel left out when everyone is laughing and you just don’t get the joke? Whether it’s a viral meme or something from the morning comics,…
Optical illusions are fun. You’re staring at an image that you think is going to be totally normal, and then it pulls a fast one on you and…
Not everyone is cut out for a career in design. In fact, some of the world’s “designers” are literally making many of our lives that much more difficult.…
Something that is mildly infuriating is almost arguably worse than an actual infuriating thing. Yet, there’s something strangely transfixing about the thing that irks you without being completely…
Some people are literal wizards when it comes to what they can accomplish with photoshop. James Fridman in particular though is in an elite league of his own.…
Many of us have crossed paths with an adrenaline-seeking mad lad at one point or another. You’ll recognize a proper mad lad by the way they so carelessly…