“The Office” is a comedy show that first aired in 2005. It is known for being one of the funniest shows ever. But even though it’s a comedy,…
Funny Memes
The funny memes category is exactly what it sounds like; this is the home of our stories that showcase the funniest memes we can create and find. Memes are a form of communication that’s native to the internet (though there are definitely examples of IRL memes). They generally start as an echo to a event, as a way to communicate an opinion of something that’s going on in the world, but they often take on a life of their own. Their fascinating, they’re hilarious, and they fundamental to how we communicate online.
Chess is a game that has been around since the 6th century, and will stand through the rest of time as we know it. These memes about Chess…
We all know someone who shouldn’t have their own social media account. But the people who made these posts, should throw their computer and phone out for good,…
When you hear mention of “The Lord of the Rings” you can pretty much count on someone who is within earshot rapping off a sentiment about their appreciation…
James Fridman is the literal master of taking a completely normal photoshop request, and then proceeding to turn it on its head. If you’ve spent your fair share…
We’re not sure what kinds of crazy thoughts could have been racing through these people’s minds when they went and put these wacky mods on their cars. One…
We all have our off days. Some days it can just begin to feel like you’re completely and utterly doomed to have nothing go your way. We’re not…
There’s nothing like a proper, well crafted rare insult to reality check someone into being a humble human being. While the internet itself has inspired so much complete…
Anyone who has a kid will likely tell you that they’re highly effective little agents of pure chaos. The amount of utter destruction that a kid can create…
There’s no denying that there’s long since been beef between boomers and every generation younger than them. If you’re not a boomer yourself, yet you’ve crossed paths with…