You’ve probably met one person or another who will readily break down for you just how wild the US military is. It’s remarkable to stop and take a…

You’ve probably met one person or another who will readily break down for you just how wild the US military is. It’s remarkable to stop and take a…
Everyone has heard of Ouija boards, and so many people have horror stories that involve them. When playing, some people have heard voices, and some people have felt…
Sometimes, we get an odd feeling about specific objects in our house. Maybe if you picked something up at an old antique store, or inherited an old item,…
We too easily overlook the moments in history that stick out for being so absurd and funny. People are weird, and we’ve always been weird. Some weird people…
Some houses are in serious need of a makeover, but some houses are so far past the point of no return, they should just be burned to the…
With the intention of paying homage to the 1970s we’ve compiled a list of the 15 most popular names in the 1970s as has been confirmed by the…
Just because someone has or clearly is on their way toward making a name for themselves doesn’t mean that they’re also not a complete weirdo. In fact, many…
If there’s one thing that the 60s is infamous for, it’s for holding nothing back. There were countless bold statements made throughout the “Swinging 60s.” In fact, some…
The decade from 2010 to 2020 flew by in a flash. It was absolutely bulldozed out of the way by 2020 and there are so many things we…
It’s extraordinarily easy to get caught up in the flow of life. Sometimes when this happens, we can’t take the time we need outside to enjoy mother nature.…