The 1970s were a decade of change, with high school students caught in a cultural revolution. It was a time of self-expression, rebellion, and rapid societal change, where fashion, music, and attitudes were constantly evolving.
Students lived in a world where the carefree spirit of the ’60s collided with the new energy of punk and disco. Bell-bottom jeans, groovy hairstyles, and a new sense of freedom defined the era, while political and cultural movements shaped their perspectives. High school life in the ’70s was about pushing boundaries, forging friendships, and discovering new identities.
Teenagers were drawn to the excitement of new music, from rock to the early days of punk, influenced by the changes happening outside the school walls. We hope you’re ready for a walk down memory lane because here are 17 photos that show what high school looked like in the 1970s.
1. Four high schoolers drinking their coffee before school.

I wonder how different gossip was in the ’70s.
2. Bring back the bell bottoms.

Bell bottoms are tricky because they need to be at the perfect length. If they’re too long, they can get soaked on a rainy day, and if they’re too short, they look ridiculous.
3. Carole’s slumber party.

Other than the styles of hair, this could pass as a recent photo.
4. High school coaching staff, 1970s.

Someone needs to tell them to put on bigger shorts.
5. Senior skip day, 1979.

I wonder if that sign worked.
6. Taking a test in high school, 1970.

You know she was the worst person to take tests with. That bubble didn’t pop quietly.
7. This is what football players looked like in the ’70s.

It looks like he has two casts on.
8. He’s on top of the world.

There’s no better feeling than leaving high school on a sunny day.
9. A high school senior bundled up while reading at the library, 1974.

The heat at the high school was broken on this day.
10. The classic ’70s garage band.

If you weren’t in a garage band in the ’70s, what were you doing?
11. High school in Long Island, 1970s.

It’s absurd that kids used to smoke on school grounds.
12. A high school cafeteria, 1972.

What are all of these 30-year-olds doing in high school?
13. A ’70s rifle team.

Firing a rifle in the school gym is insane.
14. He is strumming his way to their hearts.

The guy behind him looks jealous of all the attention he’s getting.
15. Sewing during study hall.

Only in the ’70s would someone bring an entire sewing machine to school with them.
16. Do you recognize who this is?

I’ll give you a hint: he’s the science guy.
17. ZZ Top at a high school prom, 1970.

That prom must have been out of control.