Sports back in the 20th century possessed a notable level of raw authenticity that can almost seem watered down today. Before there was such high-tech gear in addition to endless social media highlights, the athletes of the time were just out there playing for the love of the game. We rounded up some of the most iconic vintage photos capturing why 20th-century games had more heart, that we could find.
1. Ice breaks during a game of hockey on a lake in Sweden 1959.

Now that’s an icy tumble to take.
2. Bobby Hull and Stan Mikita back in the day while playing for Chicago.

Just a couple of hockey legends holding it down.
3. 1960’s rugby was a visceral experience.

That guy is about to be in a world of pain.
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4. Pittsburgh Steelers QB Ed Brown, in what looks like a helmet from a gumball machine, 1962.

Seriously, this guy needs a new fit.
5. New York Giants quarterback Y.A. Tittle after being slammed to the ground by a Pittsburgh Steelers lineman in Pittsburgh on Sept. 20, 1964.

This is just pure grit. No other way about it.
6. Dutch football goalkeeper Frans de Munck, known as “The Black Panther.”

Look at that sheer expression of determination.
7. Old time hockey in the 40’s or 50’s.

Old time hockey was a different game altogether. Not having the mask made things especially stressful.
8. Bobby Orr of the Boston Bruins sailing through the air after being tripped.

Bobby Orr really knew how to launch off.
9. The 1927 Dallas Ice Kings. The very first ice hockey team in Dallas.

These guys are ready to do business.
10. A football player for a college team out in Montana, rocking the no face mask style.

He seems like he’s ready to play ball.
11. A standard 1920 leather football helmet.

The goggles part of the whole outfit is something else.
12. Members of the 1929 University of Wisconsin hockey team at practice.

Honestly, this kind of works.
13. Old school hockey out in Montreal in 1960.

Because who needs a mask to protect those teeth anyway?
14. Gump Worsley tends goal for the Minnesota North Stars, circa 1973.

Playing goalie in hockey without a mask required a superhuman level of fearlessness.
15. Hockey was different in the 1970s.

Yes, it was truly different.