There are plenty of people out there that dream of finally having a pool to call their own. In many ways, having a pool outside or inside of your home can be a distinguished status symbol. It means that one way or another you were able to accumulate the financial resources to have a pool installed just for your own pleasure. However, properly installing a pool is one of those jobs that can end up being easier said than done. We’ll take a look at some of the times that swimming pools ended up being total nightmares for homeowners.
1. Pool looks just a tad bit neglected.

Keeping up with pool maintenance is easier for some than others.
2. This is just plain old bad workmanship.

Someone is clearly getting played over based on those corners.
3. A new in-ground pool and the wall level is clearly uneven.

An uneven wall for an in-ground pool is a recipe for literal disaster.
4. Just the kind of pool that could truly be beyond saving.

Some projects just truly aren’t worth the insanity that they can end up bringing you.
5. Something isn’t right. That’s for sure.

It all gets down to whether or not they want an aesthetically perfect pool ornot.
6. A solid crack in the new fiberglass during an otherwise smooth pool installation.

A crack in the fiberglass of a new pool might as well be called, “doomed.”
7. What in the world were they trying to use as the sealer?

Any pool owner knows that you’ve got to be very particular about what kind of sealer you’re using.
8. Some people can’t be bothered to install something like a pool ladder correctly.

An uneven and wobbly pool ladder will almost always never end up going well for people using the pool.
9. The lights weren’t the best of ideas.

There’s just something about those lights, man. Like perhaps they weren’t in fact installed properly.
10. No you don’t need to level the ground for a pool, just hold up tons of water with these 2×4’s.

Yeah, the 2×4’s clearly weren’t up for the job.
11. And just like that, the final pool inspection has been failed.

Apparently failing pool inspections is something of a rite of passage for plenty of new pool owners. That’s really just too bad.
12. It’s never a good day when the pool construction isn’t level.

You really need to make sure that the pool construction is indeed level, after all.
13. A pool on a roof of a Baltimore apartment failed last month.

This seems like one of those cases where things were pretty much guaranteed to not turn out well for the pool in question.
14. A nasty example of a failed pool coping.

Failed pool copings end up afflicting far too many unfortunate pool owners.
15. Taken before it was learned that the pool would love to leak from all sides.

Not the pool leaking from all sides. That’s just a bit of a worst-case scenario when it comes to constructing a new pool.