20 Shrinkflation Fails That Prove We’re Getting Ripped Off

Shrinkflation is the sad but inevitable way that companies are trying to get the best of us. Big companies don’t think the public will notice things like sodas going from 12 ounces to 11.2, or things like the weight of chip bags going down by more than half. Shrinkflation is ridiculous, and we’re here to show you the worst cases of it. Here are 20 shrinkflation fails that are truly horrific.

1. Subway before and after.

u/deepscroll/via reddit

2. 100 less grams of cookies, what have we come to?

u/ninaembii/via reddit

3. 12% decrease in weight here, same price, disgraceful.

u/nepourjoueraubingo/via reddit

4. Mars bars bags are mostly air.

via reddit

5. This cheese ball size comparison is just sad.

u/pizzathefox20/via reddit

6. The 5$ meal is now 6$, makes sense.

u/casey_the_evil_snail/via reddit

7. Breyers is no longer considered ice cream.

u/stealthmoderock/via reddit

8. Now there’s only 5 bars!

u/ageric/via reddit

9. The old fries will be missed.

u/krichardkaye/via reddit

10. We love a giant blank spot in the packaging.

u/swimming-thing-9873/via reddit

11. Where are the rest of the cookies?

u/it2362/via reddit

12. That isn’t one brownie, it’s 6 for $6.

u/vk146/via reddit

13. It’s really getting out of hand.

u/vee-eem/via reddit

14. They didn’t think we’d notice the new bottle has less.

via reddit

15. Hey, you’re missing a row.

u/comfortablechair/via reddit

16. In just a month?

u/perfect_tension_3611/via reddit

17. They’ve even gotten to string cheese.

u/adorable-cookie-733/via reddit

18. Half air, half dust on the bottom.

u/theeviltomato89/via reddit

19. Domino’s large pies in Australia are tiny now.

u/miiightybeast/via reddit

20. Snickers can only fit an S now.

u/litemakr/via reddit