20 Microscopic Photos That Show How Complex The Microverse Truly Is

The microverse is a universe that exists right inside our own. The microscopic world is full of animals, and weird shaped cells you would never know existed if it weren’t for microscopes. It’s truly mind-bending to think that there is an entire world right at our fingertips that we can’t see with the naked eye. We found these photos so you can see how complex the little things really are. Here are 20 mind blowing microscopic photos.

1. These little guys are in the water you swim in, the water bear.

Microscopic photos - The Water Bear
u/ifriedham/via reddit

2. Here’s what the chromosomes that make you up look like.

u/sullysaysit/via reddit

3. Not a bunch of pillows, a cats tongue under a microscope.

u/small-pocket-library/via reddit

4. The edge of a piece of paper under a microscope.

u/immu_01/via reddit

5. I’m glad hydrothermal worms are microscopic.

u/ifriedham/via reddit

6. This encapsulates music; A vinyl disc zoomed 1000x.

u/silentbandit/via reddit

7. A bacteriophage is a virus that infects bacteria.

u/arkspecter/via reddit

8. Did you know grains of salt looked like this?

u/not_fbi_i_swear/via reddit

9. This happy looking fella is a brain eating amoeba.

via reddit

10. These little guys are all over your face right now, the demodex.

u/dreamindemon177/via reddit

11. This little worm is called an Osperalycus Tenerphagus, and he was found at Ohio State University.

u/not_fbi_i_swear?via reddit

12. Mosquito eyes under an electron microscope.

u/thewisetooth/via reddit

13. Chalk is an accumulation of ancient skeletons.

u/edestron/via reddit

14. The cells in a grass blade seem to be extremely happy.

u/edestron/via reddit

15. A branch of seaweed has loads of diatoms.

u/micromystery/via reddit

16. This is what pollen actually looks like.

u/akurgo/via reddit

17. Plankton looks handmade.

u/argentgrove/via reddit

18. The difference between an electric shaver and a razor.

u/mummy_ka_chappal/via reddit

19. Did you know guitar strings were made up of hundreds of mini strings?

u/silentbandit/via reddit

20. No wonder caffeine does what it does, caffeine crystals x200.

u/fiveguysfries16/via reddit