19 Ingenious Insults That Aren’t Curse Words

We love a properly crafted rare insult here. Far too often people will rely on spewing out all kinds of nonsensical profanity to try and insult someone. There are just far too many inventive words in the dictionary to only churn out profanity-laced insults. A recent Reddit thread has people sharing their all-time favorite insults that didn’t rely on curse words to drive the insulting point home.

1. That’s just nasty

u/afifrhamd/via unsplash

“I once told my ex husband, his best quality is, he’s biodegradable.” – u/electricocelot90

2. No coming back from that

u/vitalygariev/via unsplash

“I envy the people who haven’t met you.” – u/duckduckmeow

3. At least give them a chance

u/vitalygariev/via unsplash

“Your life is less about achieving goals and more about managing regrets.” – u/drone42

4. Kind of superb work

u/vitalygariev/via unsplash

“I overheard an argument once where someone responded, I’ve been called worse things by better people, and I enjoyed that one.” – u/staypuzzleheaded8938

5. Rare insults can be so mean

u/oasis/via youtube.com

“Noel Ghallagher said his brother, Liam was armed with a fork in a world of soup.” – u/lankycomedian3942

6. Yeah, that’s tough

u/julienl/via unsplash

“You could neutralize industrial grade acid being this basic.” – u/emotionalad2909

7. Not sure where to move forward from there

u/andrehunter/via unsplash

“It appears wisdom is chasing you, but you remain a bit faster.” – u/slobber901

8. Oh wow, that’s no good

u/noahbuscher/via unsplash

“A former coworker was getting some grief from one of our customers. After the customer said something particularly bad, my coworker looked him square in the face and said, comments like that is probably why you’re missing teeth.” – u/worldlymongoose1518

9. Seriously though, just plain old ouch

u/enginakyurt/via unsplash

“You aren’t pretty enough to to be that stupid.” – u/zilch979

10. Very clever indeed

u/adigoldstein/via unsplash

“This man has delusions of adequacy, a yearly evaluation written by his supervisor.” – u/upsetenvironment5124

11. Kind of a winner right here

u/sebastianhaermann/via unsplash

“You got two brain cells fighting for third place.” – u/theflyingboxcar

12. Well played, well played

u/siavashghmabari/via unsplash

“You are the reason there are instructions on shampoo bottles.” – u/swamplands19

13. Laughter is the best medicine

u/icons8team/via unsplash

“My 13 year old nephew told my Sister in law she had the rizz of a dollar tree headset. I never laughed so hard in my life.” – u/metallica4108

14. Tactical move, for sure

u/hannahpopowski/via unsplash

“I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.” – u/beansdaddy2015

15. Well, that’s dismissive

u/usmanyousaf/via unsplash

“If I want your opinion, you know what, I’ll never want your opinion.” – u/okvirus189

16. If you say so

u/dmitrypechorko/via unsplash

“My friend described a guy with smells like hot dog water and it couldn’t be more accurate.” – u/luxvalentino

17. Now that’s just no fun for him

u/austindistel/via unsplash

“Saw this on one of my coworker’s annual reviews, his work doesn’t even meet his own expectations.” – u/echo09

18. A tad bit isolating

u/ericward/via unsplash

“As an outsider, what are your thoughts on intellectuals?” – u/macydoesitbest

19. What a range

u/zdenekmalachek/via unsplash

“You have the emotional range of a teaspoon.”– u/verodesire06

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