20 Times People Got Too Deep For No Reason

We all know that some people can be overly emotional. Sometimes it’s fun, but sometimes it’s so cringy that we have to second guess our whole existence. There’s a special place for people who get too deep, and it’s right here. Here are 20 times people got so deep that it was awkward.

1. “It’s just Mario.”

u/reposthater_/via reddit

Psychologically, you’re a dum-dum. It’s a friendly game about a man saving a princess, not the existential dread of life and its complexities.

2. “Shark Tale was an emotional roller coaster for us all.”

via reddit

The second we saw Angie the fish, we couldn’t take this post seriously. How deep can you expect to get with a cartoon?

3. “It seems like you have some unresolved issues my friend.”

u/tfvh/via reddit

It would seem as though this man had a front put up by a significant other. We are rooting for you Miyamoto.

4. “This says a lot about the society we live in.”

u/nederlandermemes/via reddit

What does this say about the society we live in? That our cats are becoming geniuses?

5. “A banana taped to a wall is modern art?”

via reddit

If a banana taped to a wall is going for $120,000 we should all be running to the supermarket right now.

6. “What a beautiful message by this artist.”

via reddit

We’re sure those plants would survive if that guy didn’t water them. But still, this is an insanely funny way to photoshop this picture.

7. “No one understands my pain.”

u/changeableinterests/via reddit

It’s the hand clenched in front of the face for us. Make sure you avoid this man at all costs.

8. “Just keep your comments to yourself Jayla.”

u/tomato8400/via reddit

Don’t you hate it when people tell you how to parent your kids? Buzz off, Jayla.

9. “Don’t ask me why I’m silent.”

u/sinabey/via reddit

We imagine the guy who made this post in a black trench coat with big glasses on and biker gloves. Even though he doesn’t own a bike, it’s for the dramatic effect.

10. “Ok’nt.”

u/baapudragon/via reddit

We’re assuming “ok’nt” means “ok, not” but that also wouldn’t make much sense. Maybe if you switched it to “nt’ok” people would understand?

11. “Do you mean, be careful who you trust?”

u/sheepfilter/via reddit

Yeah, it’s 100% “be careful who you trust.” Make sure your grammar is correct before you go and make a beautifully deep post such as this.

12. “You do realize Nokia makes smartphones, right?”

u/2knamron/via reddit

Are there people outside the Nokia store with pitchforks preventing you from buying the Nokia smartphone? No? Case closed.

13. “Everything changes when you turn 15.”

u/donutshopsss/via reddit

“I uttered” is just about the worst word choice he could have used. Also, 15 is not a mindset Jaden, it’s an age.

14. “It all makes sense now.”

u/h3ro0ftime/via reddit

Those instruments are not searching for intelligent… you know what, never mind, that is pretty astonishing isn’t it?

15. “It’s really true if you think about it.”

u/kenkesey89/via reddit

We’re not sure about you guys but when we point, our three fingers don’t necessarily point back at us, they’re more pointed at the inside of our palm, but maybe that’s just us.

16. “Apple-bad, pear-good.”

u/nutty/via reddit

Pears are way more delicious than apples. This was totally worth it, try to change our minds.

17. “Problem solved with wireless headphones.”

u/repfam4life/via reddit

Why would the headphones be tying you up? We hate how much people blame technology on sadness, just get a flip phone instead.

18. “Be someone other than everyone else.”

u/redditneonate/via reddit

Alright Billie, this one doesn’t even make sense. How could someone be someone else? We have to talk about this.

19. “But the viruses look cute though.”

via reddit

We would like to know what that virus on the far right is. It has to have some awesome name, like “space-pox” or something of that nature.

20. “Insanely sad, but true.”

u/grxvitybabe/via reddit

Alright, this may be the “deepest” photo in this article. Did you know that every fish we eat has loads of microplastics and a chance of having mercury in it? Well now you do.