20 Times People Should Have Thought Twice Before Speaking

We’ve all said things that we wish we thought twice about. But there is no way to go back in time, or reverse what we said, so we have to live with the consequences, and take our metaphorical smack on the mouth. Here are 20 times people really should have thought twice before posting.

1. “Didn’t expect Seth to answer now did you?”

Screenshot of a Twitter exchange. User Summer (@CrimeTaco) asks if famous people get annoyed by Seth Rogen's laugh. Seth Rogen replies, "They do." Summer's tweet has 5 likes, 2 comments, and 101 retweets. Seth's tweet has 31 likes, 7 comments, and 679 retweets.
u/wapu/via reddit

2. “At least you look happy.”

Split image with left side showing a children’s amusement park ride featuring a caterpillar train with passengers. The right side shows a woman in front of foliage, wearing a blue jacket and white headband, with a surprised expression. A caption above reads, "Ok but why do I look like the f****** ride?
u/randombarbarian/via reddit

3. “Still bothering to keep tabs?”

Screenshot of a Reddit post on r/AskMen. The original post asks, "How did you high school crush turn out as an adult?" A comment responds, saying she married a successful executive vice president of a well-known company, is rich, travels the world, and "dodged a bullet.
u/justtransportation51/via reddit

4. “King George would be so proud.”

A tweet with three photos. The first image shows a girl with long, wavy, blonde hair from the back. The second image shows the girl's face with curly hair. The third image is a painting of King George I of England. The tweet humorously compares the transformations.
u/summoner/via reddit

5. “I’ll single-handedly bring down the average IQ.”

A screenshot of a Reddit post from the subreddit r/Showerthoughts. The post reads, "Antarctica probably has the highest average IQ of any continent." Highlighted under the "Mindblowing" flair. One comment below jokes, "Imma go there and balance it out.
u/oored_faeoo/via reddit

6. “Give this man a chance.”

A tweet from user ROXY advising to go for the third in command of a guy's group who is hitting on you, as a strategy to disrupt their dynamic and challenge the patriarchy. Another user, John, humorously replies, asking to pick the "bottom of the barrel" so he gets a chance.
u/zombiepopp3d/via reddit

7. “Shrek is love, Shrek is life.”

A meme showing Shrek and Fiona, with the caption “90% of millennial couples look like this.” Below, a Facebook comment from Emily says, “I hate how painfully accurate this is. My most recent ex and me,” featuring a photo of a couple mimicking Shrek and Fiona’s pose.
u/plboi/via reddit

8. “My friend, that whole meal’s undercooked.”

A Twitter post by Jon Bois. The first tweet shows a thick patty melt sandwich with cheese and grilled onions, paired with fries. The text reads, "made patty melts," with 1K likes and 17 comments. The follow-up tweet reads, "everyone is roasting my fries, which is nice of them since i forgot to," with 958 likes and 1 comment.
u/woxandwarf/via reddit

9. “Ah Tinder, always full of surprises.”

Screenshot of a dating app conversation. The first message suggests meeting up and mentions "making some mistakes." The next person responds, claiming, "I never make mistakes," but the word "mistakes" is misspelled. The final message jokes, "You swiped right on me so you've made at least one.
u/inhypx/via reddit

10. “Is that the right way to use it?”

A tweet from "John from HR" (@john_from_hr) reads: “you’re either hot or you know how to use semi-colons properly; there’s no in-between.” The tweet's timestamp is 1:31 PM, 1/31/20, and it has 11.2K retweets and 124K likes.
u/erwaie/via reddit

11. “You just went and played yourself.”

A conversation on Twitter between two users. One user says they are at the top of the bell curve, which another user challenges. The final tweet has an image of a historical painting of a confused woman with an exasperated expression.
u/basqwadsganu/via reddit

12. “I can’t even thrive in the best conditions possible.”

A Reddit post from the subreddit r/AskReddit poses the question, "Instead of your spirit animal, what is your spirit plant?" A comment by user fhost344, saying, "Rhododendron. Requires very specific conditions, but even when those conditions are met, it is unlikely to thrive," has 1.0k upvotes and a silver award.
u/premiumwsaipes/via reddit

13. “Oh, young sadness.”

A tweet from Matt suggests creating a rap name by combining "Young" with something you always carry with you. B.J. Sutton replies, humorously calling himself "Young Student Loan Debt.
u/smtdimitri/via reddit

14. “He’s, he’s beautiful.”

A person stands on a stage in a large, empty auditorium holding a guitar, facing the rows of empty seats. Above the image, there is a tweet from James Blunt that says, "I love my fan.
u/alfosn/via reddit

15. Yeah, $10 definitely sounds right.”

A dating app conversation is shown. The profile name is "Chase." One person asks, "Are you really rich?" The reply is, "If you're asking if I have above 5 dollars in my bank account, then the answer is yes." The next part reads, "10$?" The response: "Yeah I'd stop there.
u/deadxstrawberry/via reddit

16. “It has to be something he’d look for.”

A humorous social media post shows a TV remote, shoes, and eyeglasses stuck to the ceiling. The caption reads, "Day 4 of sticking my dad's things to the ceiling. Today the TV remote." A commenter suggests sticking themselves to the ceiling for their dad to find.
u/thuaadotbgot/via reddit

17. I simply love that halloween costume.”

A tweet from user "@pakalupapitocamel" posted on October 31, 2019, at 4:22 PM via Twitter for iCamel. The tweet reads: "for halloween i’m gonna be emotionally stable. no one’s gonna know it’s me.
u/rogue_professor/via reddit

18. “I guess I can cut back a bit.”

Screenshot of a Reddit post. The original post asks, "If you eat 15,000 calories in a day, you get $1B. How do you get it done?" A user responds, "I guess I can cut back a little if it means being a billionaire," implying they regularly overeat.
u/paulodybala_10/via reddit

19. “You already know your lines.”

A three-panel scene shows two men talking. The first man, holding a video camera, says, "Jeff, I think you should play the role of my father." The second man responds, "I don't want to be your father." The first man replies, "That's perfect, you already know your lines.
u/ashleystrange/via reddit

20. I’m just between jobs.”

A tweet from Andrew Schiavone (@aschiavone) reads, "My bank emailed me about unusual activity and it turned out to be a direct deposit. They did have a point but still." A profile picture of a bearded man is also visible.
u/asianj1m/via reddit