19 James Earl Jones Quotes That Are as True Now as They Were Then

James Earl Jones (January 17, 1931 – September 9, 2024) was a legendary American actor who was renowned for his iconic performances in both films and live theater. When one references James Earl Jones you’re likely to hear talk of just how unforgettable his range was. He’s one of a select few performers who was able to attain the EGOT. This means he had a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony. That’s a feat you’re not going to see being realized too often. We honor James Earl Jones by taking a look back at some of his most profound quotes that he left us with. May he rest in peace.

1. On the power of presence

A man sits on a bench at a baseball field holding a book titled "BASEBALL PSYCHOLOGY." He is wearing a light shirt, suspenders, and a flat cap. The background features the infield of the baseball field and green grass.

“You don’t build a bond without being present.”

2. On speech

A man wearing glasses, a flat cap, white shirt, and brown suspenders smiles while sitting outdoors on a grassy area. There’s a dirt path and tall greenery in the background. The scene appears to be rustic and set in a rural area.

“Speech is a very important aspect of being human. A whisper doesn’t cut it.”

3. On listening

A man with glasses, wearing a flat cap, white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, and suspenders stands on a sunny baseball field. In the background, several players in vintage uniforms are visible and a cornfield lines the outfield.

“When you are mute, you become a good listener – it’s all one-way. You appreciate the written word. You appreciate the sound.”

4. On reading great literature

A man wearing a cap, glasses, white shirt, and suspenders stands on a baseball field. Several players in white baseball uniforms are visible in the background. The man has a determined expression on his face. The setting appears to be a sunny day.

“When I read great literature, great drama, speeches, or sermons, I feel that the human mind has not achieved anything greater than the ability to share feelings and thoughts through language.”

5. On balance in life

An elderly man with glasses and a mustache is seen smiling inside a store. He is wearing a brown jacket and stands in front of shelves displaying various electronic items, including an iPod dock and speakers with visible price labels.

“I think the extent to which I have any balance at all, any mental balance, is because of being a farm kid and being raised in those isolated rural areas.”

6. On impacting the world

A person with short gray hair and glasses is smiling. They are wearing a dark suit jacket, a light blue shirt, and a patterned tie. The background is a gradient of dark blue.

“You weren’t going to the theater to change the world, but you had a chance to affect the world, the thinking and the feelings of the world.”

7. On the arts

An elderly man with gray hair and glasses is speaking into a microphone. He is wearing a dark suit, a white shirt, and a red tie. The background is dark, and his expression appears serious.

“The arts have always been an important ingredient to the health of a nation, but we haven’t gotten there yet.”

8. On lack of entitlement

A man with gray hair and sunglasses, wearing blue overalls and a beige shirt, holds a baseball while looking at another person. The dimly lit room has a cozy decor with wooden furniture and warm lighting. A pennant and framed pictures adorn the background.

“No one asked me to be an actor, so no one owed me. There was no entitlement.”

9. On being adopted

An older man wearing round glasses, a flat cap, a white shirt, and brown suspenders stands outdoors in front of a house with a porch. He is smiling slightly and the sun is shining brightly. The background includes greenery and parts of the house.

“I was an adopted child of my grandparents, and I don’t know how I can ever express my gratitude for that, because my parents would have been a mess, you know.”

10. On taking jobs

An older man with short, gray hair is sitting indoors, wearing a dark suit and patterned tie. He smiles and claps his hands. The background includes a blue curtain, a lamp, and part of a window with a nighttime city view.

“Denzel Washington, Sidney Poitier, Robert Redford, Tom Cruise: those guys have well-planned careers. I’m just on a journey. Wherever I run across a job, I say, okay, I’ll do that.”

11. On appreciating other actors’ work

Two men are seated in a talk show setting, smiling and engaged in conversation. Behind them is a decorated Christmas tree. One man is wearing a dark suit jacket with a patterned tie, and the other is also in a suit, seated at a desk with a microphone.

“I love to see actors’ work. I love to surf channels late at night and accidentally run into movies I hadn’t seen before. It makes me very proud of the profession.”

12. On future tripping

A person with short gray hair, wearing a dark suit and patterned tie, is sitting in a room with wooden paneling and green curtains. The person is looking to the side, smiling slightly.

“Actors never discuss future plans.”

13. On self-criticism

A smiling man in a dark suit and patterned tie is seated indoors. He is looking to his left. The background features brown walls, a curtain, and slightly blurred window lights.

“I think self-criticism is sort of a given when you’re an actor. It’s also about being curious and not being flippant. Anyone who accepts being in this noble profession is automatically self-critical.”

14. On being in bad movies

An elderly man with gray hair and a beard is wearing glasses, a black tuxedo, and a black bow tie. He is smiling and speaking into a microphone on a stage with an unfocused background of lights.

“You cannot be an actor like I am and not have been in some of the worst movies like I have. But I stand before you deeply honored, mighty grateful and just plain gobsmacked.”

15. On sentimentality

A man with gray hair and glasses is seated, wearing a dark suit jacket over a black shirt. He appears to be in a room with wooden shelves and cabinets in the background. His expression is calm and focused.

“I don’t ever want to be a sentimentalist. I prefer to be a realist. I’m not a romantic really.”

16. On contentedness

An elderly man with short gray hair and glasses is sitting indoors. He is wearing a dark pinstriped blazer and a black shirt. The background has large windows with blurred views of a building's exterior.

“I was as content Off-Broadway as I was in a big Hollywood movie, and, I just try to be content wherever I am, you know.”

17. On family

An elderly man with gray hair and a beard is sitting at a restaurant table covered with a checkered tablecloth. The table has glasses and a cup. The background features framed pictures and a lamp on the wall. He appears to be in conversation, smiling.

“It has to be real, and I think a lot of the problems we have as a society is because we don’t acknowledge that family is important, and it has to be people who are present, you know, and mothers and fathers, both are not present enough with children.”

18. On reading

A person with a beard and glasses is seated and wearing a brown blazer over a dark shirt. They appear to be engaged in a conversation or interview, with a thoughtful expression and one hand raised near their face. The background is blurred and has a blue hue.

“Reading was a big thing, yes. Books were a big thing. But the things that stick out were the newspapers.”

19. On goals

A man with glasses and a beard is seated against a blue background. He is wearing a dark blazer over a turtleneck sweater. The image appears to be from a television interview or talk show.

“The goal wasn’t to be a millionaire or to be a Hollywood star. That was not the goal. The goal was something about – the goal was to find the goal, but I knew where it was.”

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