21 Freakish Pics That Left Us Shaking Like Leaves

Many folks out there are possessed by a strange desire to test the outer bounds of what they can tolerate in terms of unsettling images. There’s a fine line though. You don’t necessarily want to end up scaring yourself into sleeping with the lights on for months on end. No, just, a little fright is enough to get the job done. These images in particular are as bizarre as they are scary. Consider yourself properly warned.

1. “My hotel room had another mysterious empty room inside it.”

A small, empty room with white walls and a tiled floor, viewed through an open doorway. The room is illuminated by a ceiling light. A partial view of a mirror on a wall in the adjacent room is visible on the left side of the image.
u/raisinbrans/via reddit.com

2. “Met with this upon turning on my monitor.”

A close-up image of a fabric with a striped pattern in shades of purple, pink, and white. The stripes run both vertically and horizontally, intersecting to create a plaid-like design. The texture of the fabric is slightly visible.
u/appliepiesforever/via reddit.com

3. “A photo of the exact time lightning hits the water.”

A bright lightning bolt strikes a body of water at night. The bolt creates a vivid, vertical line of light, surrounded by mist and vapor rising from the impact site. The surrounding area is dark, with an indistinct horizon and a cloudy sky.
u/scbadiver/via reddit.com

4. “This plant in the corner.”

A cozy living room with a fireplace. A potted plant is in the corner near a polka-dotted armchair. A vase with yellow and red flowers is on a table in the foreground. A small white cat is sleeping on a gray couch. Shelving with decorations is visible in the background.
u/teorosso/via reddit.com

5. “This is how large a fully grown bison can get.”

A person wearing a blue beanie, brown jacket, and beige pants is tending to a large bison, which has its head restrained in a metal frame. The scene is outdoors on a snowy day. The person appears to be using a tool near the bison's fur.
u/breakrules939/via reddit.com

6. “A man was discovered to be missing 90% of a brain amidst leading a normal life.”

A black and white MRI scan of a human brain displays a large, dark area indicating significant cerebrospinal fluid accumulation or loss of brain tissue. The irregular shape spans a substantial portion of the image.
u/breakrules939/via reddit.com

7. “My mom’s harmless old black lab waiting to be let inside.”

A black dog stands on a grey doormat in front of a closed front door at night. The dog's eyes reflect the light, creating a glowing effect. The entryway is illuminated from inside the house, highlighting white columns and railings on the porch.
u/significantyou9375/via reddit.com

8. “When male and female anglerfish mate, they melt into each other and share bodies forever.”

Close-up image of an anglerfish with a large, open mouth showing sharp teeth set in red flesh. The fish's distinctive lure, which extends from its head with a bulbous tip, is clearly visible. The background is dark, highlighting the creature's eerie appearance.
u/breakrules939/via reddit.com

9. “You simply can’t wake up on the wrong side of the bed.”

Two climbers rest on a narrow, suspended platform halfway up a steep, orange-hued cliff face. One climber is wrapped in a green sleeping bag while the other sits shirtless beside them, against a backdrop of mist and rock. Climbing gear is visible around them.
u/breakrules939/via reddit.com

10. “Raining over one house.”

A narrow tornado or funnel cloud descends from a dark, cloudy sky towards a suburban neighborhood. Houses and a quiet street are visible in the foreground, with a yellow fire hydrant near the center of the image. Trees and shrubs dot the landscape.
u/monsuraushn/via reddit.com

11. “Storage tank of a tanker ship carrying liquified natural gas.”

Three small figures in protective suits stand inside a cavernous, grid-lined metallic chamber with towering walls and a high ceiling, giving a sense of massive scale and industrial or futuristic environment.
u/monsuraush/via reddit.com

12. “Hail buildup near a door in eastern Colorado.”

A view through an open door showing a thick accumulation of hailstones covering the ground and partially blocking the entrance. The scene outside is misty, creating an obscured atmosphere, with hail piled up against the door and spread out over the yard.
u/monsuraushns/via reddit.com

13. “See your favorite artist live.”

Aerial view of a massive crowd packed together tightly in front of a large stage with an arched roof, suggesting a large-scale concert or event. The sea of attendees appears dense, extending back as far as the eye can see.
u/jfffr3ddom/via reddit.com

14. “The Dragon’s Eye.”

Two explorers stand inside a large, abandoned slate quarry cavern. The cavern features a huge, circular, dome-like ceiling with varied rock textures and hues. Broken slate pieces are scattered across the ground, and the explorers are illuminated by their headlamps.
u/underground1973/via reddit.com

15. “This Steve Harvey in the sky over Atlanta.”

A night sky displays a drone light show forming the image of a man in a suit and bow tie. The vibrant lights create detailed features of the man's face and clothing. Trees and a row of buildings are visible in the background at the bottom of the image.
u/imboredsoihere1973/via reddit.com

16. “This Statue of Liberty’s face in 1885.”

A historical black-and-white photo shows a man standing next to the large, detached face of the Statue of Liberty while it is under construction. The massive face is supported by a wooden frame at an outdoor workshop.
u/wakeupsunshine/via reddit.com

17. “This potentially effective but also scary swimming mask.”

A vintage black-and-white photo shows a person wearing a full-faced swimming mask designed to protect women’s skin from the sun in the 1920s. The mask covers the entire face with only small openings for the eyes, nose, and mouth.
u/zuzuilla21/via reddit.com

18. “Some wasps built their nests around floodlights on a garage.”

Left: A close-up of an intricately detailed large moth decoration affixed to the peak of a house. Right: A close-up of a horned animal skull mounted in the same place at the peak of a house. The sky is visible in both images.
u/foolofelysiu/via reddit.com

19. “A better picture of the oarfish.”

Three snorkelers in calm ocean water near a rugged coastline are interacting with a large, elongated fish with a silvery, reflective body. The fish is partially submerged, and one snorkeler is holding it while others observe.
mu/monsuraushmnsn/via reddit.com

20. “The Sneaking Tree.”

A tall, dead tree with sparse branches leans over a small, calm pond surrounded by dense green foliage. The reflection of the tree is seen in the water, and a dark, round object is partially submerged near the surface.
u/monsurashum/via reddit.com

21. “Trees at New Zealand’s southern most tip.”

A group of trees, bent and leaning heavily to the right due to strong winds, stands in a grassy field under a cloudy sky. In the foreground, a few sheep graze on the grass.
u/monsuraush/via reddit.com

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