23 George Strait Quotes To Tip Your Hat To

George Strait, born May 18, 1952 is an acclaimed American country music singer and songwriter with highly respectable careers as an actor and a music producer as well. Strait is acknowledged as leading the charge for popularizing the neo-traditional country style throughout the 1980s. You wouldn’t be hard-pressed to find plenty of folks that tip their hats to George Strait for maintaining that iconic “cowboy image” amidst a Nashville-based music industry that was being swarmed by numerous country pop crossover artists. George Strait has rightfully earned himself the esteemed title of being the “King of Country Music.” We’ll take a look at some of the king of country music’s most memorable quotes to date.

1. On building a legacy

A person wearing a white cowboy hat, plaid shirt, and blue jeans rides a brown horse with white facial markings and a flowing mane. The rider is holding the reins in one hand, and the scene appears to be an outdoor, rural setting.

“I want to reach the point where people hear my name and immediately think of real country music.”

2. On remaining humble with the fame

A man in a white cowboy hat and cream-colored button-down shirt leans against a wooden post. He is outdoors, possibly in a rustic, barn-like setting, with a contemplative expression on his face.

“You know, legends are people like Haggard and Jones and Wills and Sinatra. Those people are legends. I’m just a young buck out here trying to keep in that same circle with the rest of ’em.”

3. On setting goals

Close-up of a person wearing a white shirt and a white hat, depicted partially in shadow. The individual is touching the brim of their hat and appears to be in a thoughtful or intense moment, looking slightly to the side. The background is blurred and indistinct.

“If you start out trying to achieve a specific thing – like doing stadium shows or going into the studio and doing an album – the end result is what counts.”

4. On the value of giving it your best

A man wearing a white cowboy hat and a light-colored button-up shirt leans against a rustic wooden post, looking off to the side. He appears to be outdoors with a blurry, nature-filled background.

“If it’s a good song and it fits me, that’s what I’m going to do, I’m not out there trying to change the world. I’m just out there trying to sing country music the best way I can.”

5. On continuing to look for new material

A middle-aged man wearing a white cowboy hat and a light-colored button-up shirt is looking into the camera with a serious expression. The background is blurred, focusing attention on the man's face.

“I just continue to look for different material, great material, as good as I can find, and try to go in there and do as good a job as I can do in making it a record. That’s all you can expect. That’s all that you can do.”

6. On stopping playing at clubs

A rodeo rider on a horse raises their arm in celebration in front of a large, applauding stadium crowd. A scoreboard behind displays "Tonight's Attendance 48,504" and "A New World's Record!" Additionally, a giant screen shows a bull rider in action.

“I didn’t want to be 40 or 50 years old and still playing clubs, I didn’t feel like I was making any progress, and I actually gave the band notice at one point. I began to have doubts about my abilities.”

7. On leaning on great songwriters

A person wearing a cowboy hat, plaid shirt, and jeans is riding a brown horse in an open, arid field with a few trees and a fence line in the background. The rider is looking ahead while holding the reins, and the horse appears to be in motion.

“I’m always looking for great songs, and not being much of a songwriter, I depend on great songwriters to send them to me. I go through tons of stuff, and sometimes you just find material that kind of fits and becomes something special.”

8. On avoiding interviews

A man wearing a cowboy hat and blue shirt sits on a wooden stool, playing an acoustic guitar and singing. Behind him, another person on horseback is partially visible. The setting appears to be a rustic, wooden outdoor area with barrels and a large glass jug.

“I used to do a lot of interviews in the early ’80s, when my career started, but it came to a point when I decided I didn’t want to talk anymore, and people kind of understood that and left me alone.”

9. On Frank Sinatra

A man wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, and a white cowboy hat leans against a wooden desk in front of a blackboard. An apple is placed on the desk. The setting resembles a classroom.

“Sinatra, in my opinion, is possibly the greatest male singer of all time.”

10. On traditional country music

Two men wearing white cowboy hats perform on stage, each playing a guitar and singing into microphones. The man in the foreground wears a red shirt with black stripes, and the man in the background wears a striped shirt. A blurred audience member can be seen in the foreground.

“You know, traditional country music is something that’s going to be around forever. I’m not worried about it.”

11. On the reality of touring

A musician wearing a cowboy hat and a light-colored shirt performs on stage, singing into a microphone and playing a black acoustic guitar. The background is dark, featuring some lights and a small portion of the audience visible in the foreground.

“I don’t mind traveling that much when I can go somewhere and stay there for a while, but touring is different. You rarely see anything. You get there early in the morning and you’re resting all day, and you go in and do a sound check, and you do the show, and then bam you’re gone.”

12. On the song “El Rey”

A man in a black cowboy hat and light blue shirt sings into a microphone while playing an acoustic guitar. He is illuminated by stage lights against a dark background.

“I love the song ‘El Rey.’ And for years, I never knew what the song was totally about. It was something new for me. I’d never sung a song in Spanish before. Then I got the translation and saw what a really cool song it was.”

13. On the joy of walking onstage

A middle-aged man wearing a black cowboy hat and plaid shirt is talking, likely in a rural or Western setting. He has light-colored hair and appears to be speaking with a relaxed expression. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting an indoor or barn setting.

“I always enjoy it when I walk on stage. There were some times when I was working so much in the ’80s, and I felt really burnt-out. But I’d be up there singing and not be 10,000 million miles away, you know, just opening my mouth and the words coming out.”

14. On his gratitude for singing

A man wearing a black cowboy hat, white shirt, and jeans walks through a metal gate leading a brown horse. A saddle is secured on the horse's back. The background features a building with large windows.

“I’ve been blessed with the ability to sing, and that has taken me so many places I never would have gone otherwise.”

15. On putting together an album

Two people are riding horses side by side in an outdoor setting. They are both wearing cowboy hats and long-sleeved shirts. The background shows a fenced field with trees. The person on the left is looking at the person on the right, while the latter gazes forward.

“When I think about putting together an album, the process of listening to hundreds of songs each time and picking out the best 10 or so that will go on the record, it really sinks in as to just how many songs I’ve listened to all these years.”

16. On fishing

A man wearing a white cowboy hat and a black and white checkered shirt is sitting on a leather chair. He is looking slightly to his right. The background features wooden paneling and a gray wall.

“I love to fish. You can go hours without anything happening, and all of a sudden a big blue marlin comes into the spread and it’s cockpit chaos. My dream is to catch a grander, a 1,000 pounder.”

17. On finding the best records

A man wearing a white cowboy hat and blue denim shirt is sitting in front of a colorful striped blanket. He is looking directly at the camera and appears to be outdoors, with a blurred background. He has a slight smile on his face.

“I’ve just tried for all of these years to find the best records, the best songs that I could find that fit me, and I’ve had great people to work with all these years.”

18. On the importance of taking breaks

A person wearing a cowboy hat and jeans sits in a colorful beach chair on a sandy beach. They are looking out over the calm, turquoise ocean, with a palm frond partially visible in the upper left corner of the image. The sky is clear and blue.

“We work hard when we’re in the studio, but then when we take our breaks, we walk outside and look around.”

19. On balancing work and life

A person is smiling warmly, wearing a white cowboy hat and a blue denim shirt, leaning slightly against a wooden post. The background is blurred greenery, suggesting an outdoor setting.

“You’ve got to keep the stage world and your real world separated or you’re headed for trouble.”

20. On his love for the outdoors

A man wearing a white cowboy hat and denim shirt sits in a wooden chair on a sandy beach. A colorful blanket is draped over the chair. A small table with a ceramic dish is beside him, and the ocean is blurred in the background.

“Country music is important to me, and I love it, but it’s not my whole life. I like to be outdoors, I like to hunt, I like to fish, I like to play golf.”

21. On life’s wonders

A man wearing a white cowboy hat and a white jacket with red accents sings into a microphone on stage. He has facial hair and appears to be performing country music. The background is dimly lit with colorful stage lights. Another musician is partially visible.

“Life isn’t about the breathes you take, it’s the moments that take your breathe away.”

22. On appreciating a song’s melody

A man in a white cowboy hat and ornate jacket sings into a microphone. The background is softly lit with yellow lights, creating a warm ambiance. He appears to be performing on stage, with a focused and passionate expression.

“I think the melody is the first time I hear in a song and if I like the melody, then I’ll pay closer attention to the lyrics.”

23. On his love for hunting

A man wearing a cowboy hat and a blue shirt smiles while holding a guitar. He is standing in front of a neutral background. A blurred figure is visible in the foreground on the right side of the image.

“I spend most of hunting season at the ranch. We all love to hunt whitetails, and we have a pretty good supply in South Texas. I also love to hunt elk in Arizona, mule deer in Utah, and I’ve been to Canada to hunt caribou.”

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