19 Pics and Memes of Boomers Being Absolute Fools

There’s no denying that there’s long since been beef between boomers and every generation younger than them. If you’re not a boomer yourself, yet you’ve crossed paths with one, you’ve likely been told a passionate, deeply nostalgic, angered tale about “the good old days.” We could just as easily go onward without ever having to hear about them, but that’s not likely to stop any time soon.

1. “My mom, ladies and gentlemen.”

u/the_donald_s/via reddit.com

2. “My mom doesn’t get inflation, or how everyone can’t just make millions on YouTube overnight.”

A text conversation screenshot. The first message discusses wages from years ago, urging harder work. The second message contains an inflation calculator image showing that $20 in 1980 equates to $75.81 in 2024. The response explains inflation differences and mentions current income.
u/lordly_king/via reddit.com

3. “Another day, another boomer bumper sticker.”

A green Honda CR-V with a prominent warning on the rear window stating: "YOU ARE ON CAMERA. ANY ILLEGAL DRIVING ACTIVITY WILL BE REPORTED TO POLICE. WARNING! ABSOLUTELY DO NOT TAILGATE THIS VEHICLE!" The car has roof-mounted lights and a spare tire on the back.
u/no_ingenuity_3468/via reddit.com

4. “My dad, everyone.”

A text message conversation: One person asks, "Where you at?" and the other replies, "Tennessee." The first person then warns about a cyber attack affecting various services, urging the other to get home. In the next message, the first person expresses frustration about the state of the crisis and communication issues with a daughter.
u/sweet_strawberry5/via reddit.com

5. “Okay then, boomer.”

A screenshot of a Tumblr post is shown. The original post expresses admiration for the phrase "Ok Boomer," noting how the youth use it to dismiss boomers. A user, armchair-factotum, comments that it's great kids realize how dismissing boomers annoys them. The post has 76,445 notes.
u/loud_restaurant_9513/via reddit.com

6. “My favorite boomer friend online always posts gold.”

A cartoon character wearing glasses, holding a hammer, points to a sign that reads: "If a high school kid flipping burgers deserves $15.00 an hour ($2400 a month), then why isn't that the minimum Social Security payment?
u/kossi1218/via reddit.com

7. “Boomers gonna boom.”

A tweet from user @colleen_eileen with a profile picture shows a woman's face. The tweet reads: "My BBC (bossy boomer coworker) saw me using keyboard shortcuts and when she noticed I had copy pasted instead of saying oh neat what a time saver she told me it was against company policy lmao help.
u/folkpunk/via reddit.com

8. “Just boomers doing brilliant boomer things.”

Image of a textual message: 

Between 60 and death, it's time to use and enjoy the money you've saved. Avoid hoarding it for others who may not understand the sacrifices made. Prioritize spending on yourself over worrying about the financial future of children and grandchildren.
u/sababobaba/via reddit.com

9. “The softest generation.”

A meme with the text "Boomers: harass millennials for years. Millennials: 'Ok Boomer.' Boomers:" followed by a crying person with the caption "[seriously feel so attacked right now]" expressing exaggerated distress.
u/lunchtimev/via reddit.com

10. “Ah yes, tasty car battery juice.”

A sign with white text on a dark blue background reads: "If you think you are smarter than the previous generation... 50 years ago the owners manual of a car showed you how to adjust the valves. Today it warns you not to drink the contents of the battery.
u/sea-state6295/via reddit.com

11. “Now, that’s a hot take if we’ve ever seen one.”

A screenshot of a tweet advising to respond to "okay boomer" with "okay renter" to silence or unsettle millennials, as many of them face difficulties owning homes. The usernames and profile pictures are redacted.
u/deleted/via reddit.com

12. “Yes, must learn to hunt.”

A tweet humorously saying "Dogs must think we are amazing hunters when we come back home with a car-full of groceries." The reply states, "It's not technically hunting though. Folks buy food with their money and it doesn't require the effort like actual hunting would. Learn.
u/cvntlskqwo/via reddit.com

13. “A textbook ok boomer moment right here.”

A Facebook post contrasts school closure responses between 2023 and 1983. The 2023 response closes school due to high winds. The 1983 response advises students to go in the hall with a book on their head during a tornado and promises pizza for lunch. Reactions and comments below.
u/porgtc/via reddit.com

14. “Perhaps, the housing crisis has been solved.”

A social media post shows a small beige house with a front porch, surrounded by trees with autumn foliage. Text discusses how previous generations managed with smaller homes and single paychecks, emphasizing the simplicity and practicality of starter homes.
u/alabasterbird/via reddit.com

15. “Only a boomer would do this.”

A car window decal features two tombstones labeled "COURTESY" and "COMMON SENSE" with the words "IN MEMORY OF COMMON SENSE AND COURTESY" written above and below them in pink letters. A cartoon sheep icon with the letter "C" is also present.
u/_industrial/via reddit.com

16. “Wireless bad.”

A vintage black rotary phone is displayed on a white pedestal inside a glass case. The pedestal has the text: "When the phone was tied with a wire - Humans were free.." The background shows a few items including papers on the floor and a partial staircase.
u/abroadexercise44/via reddit.com

17. “Just a pleasant conversation with my mom.”

A phone screen showing text messages. The first message in black text bubble talks about a mom needing her son to learn life skills like mowing lawns and writing in cursive. The reply in a blue text bubble disagrees, saying digital tools make cursive pointless.
u/deleted/via reddit.com

18. “The big family mystery.”

A yellow background image with multiple laughing-crying emoji. The overlaid text reads: "Guess I’ll never be so retired that everything is Lillie’s and butterflies. Nope I have fleas and mosquitoes.
u/talk351450/via reddit.com

19. “A gate keeping boomer in action.”

A two-part meme. Top: A modern, heavily modified Jeep parked on a road, captioned "A Jeep needs to be heavily modified before being driven off-road." Bottom: A vintage Jeep driving off-road with no modifications, captioned "OK, Millennial!
u/wolfgang_rockefeller/via reddit.com

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