16 Jokes That Went WAY Over People’s Heads

Do you ever feel left out when everyone is laughing and you just don’t get the joke? Whether it’s a viral meme or something from the morning comics, sometimes you just need a little extra help getting the punchline. Thankfully, the internet is there for you to help explain the joke. Now, let’s all laugh together — better late than never, right?

1. “Am I dumb? (Probably)”

A cartoon shows a child and their parents in a classroom talking to a teacher. The father holds up a family portrait with an "F" grade on it. The parents look upset and the child looks downcast. The teacher, sitting at a desk, has a slight smile.

r/Fastpitch411/ via reddit.com

“Teacher thought the drawing was poor, but in reality, the parents do look that way.” – r/Jeffrey_Friedl

2. “I guess I’m lucky?”

A meme featuring two circular images side by side. The left circle shows a field of crops with a small house in the distance. The right circle shows a road with a hot air balloon in the distance. The caption above reads, "Consider yourself lucky if you don't know what this is.
r/lampoluza/ via reddit.com

“The eye doctor tells you to look at those pictures right before they blow a very unpleasant puff of air into your eyes.” – r/TheRogueToad

3. “Help”

A comic shows Batman saying "Robin" in the first panel. In the second panel, Batman looks bewildered while Robin stands beside him. Text says "Robin, this is not what I meant." A mobile with hanging toy bats is in front of Batman. A comment below reads, "I laughed so hard no sound came out.
r/BertrudBanana/ via reddit.com

“He had said, “Robin, get the batmobile.” He meant the BatMobile, his car. Robin instead got a bat-mobile. A mobile is the dangly toy thing in panel 2 of the comic, commonly hung over a baby’s crib to amuse them.” – r/GenerallySalty

4. “Father-in-law sent this in a group chat.”

A CAPTCHA image asking the user to select all images with a "Klingon Bird of Prey." The image is divided into nine squares, each displaying a different portion of a starlit sky with distant galaxies and stars visible.
r/AnAngryNun/ via reddit.com

“Klingon spaceships are called Birds of Prey and have the ability to turn invisible. The joke is that any of the squares could have one hiding in and you wouldn’t know.” – r/VerityPee

5. “Can somebody help me on this one?”

A comic strip shows two men in front of a "Used Cars" sign. In the second panel, an inflatable tube man appears beside them. In the third panel, the tube man deflates while another man approaches. In the final panel, the approaching man says, "Excuse me.
r/flickthebutton/ via reddit.com

“Used car salesman produces hot air, so does a fart” – r/ImNrNanoGiga

6. “Why, bro, why?”

Two packaged screwdrivers are displayed for sale. The left package is labeled "$3.99 Left Handed Screwdriver" and the right package is labeled "$1.99 Right Handed Screwdriver." Both screwdrivers appear identical with black and yellow handles.
r/Overthinkerrr_6/ via reddit.com

“The joke is that it’s the exact same tool, but they’re selling the left-handed one for twice as much because it’s for a more specialized purpose.” – r/SonOfJokeExplainer

7. “I don’t get it.”

A four-panel meme. Top left: A yellow house in a forest at night with a full moon. Top right: A close-up of the full moon. Bottom left: The yellow house with the text "Oh no". Bottom right: A white Amazon warehouse with boxes visible inside, under the moonlit sky.
r/Egholmen/ via reddit.com

“It’s a Were-House, a house that turns into a warehouse under a full moon, like a Were-wolf” – r/Subxero4

8. “I feel stupid”

A cartoon shows two praying mantises sitting at a table with tea cups and a teapot. One mantis says, "My husband's been disagreeing with me." The other mantis replies, "Have an antacid." The comic is signed by Piraro and dated 11-16-10.
r/gonefishcaking/ via reddit.com

“Female praying mantis’ eat their mates after mating, so instead of disagreeing in the sense of having an argument, she’s saying that he’s causing issues with digestion” – r/Commercial_Jelly_893

9. “I’m completely lost”

A scene from a classic film, with a man in a suit looking serious. Above him, text reads, "Siri kept calling me Shirley this morning and I was getting really annoyed, but I realized I had left my phone in Airplane mode.
r/Positively_Zero/ via reddit.com

“Airplane is a movie starring the man who’s in the picture (Leslie Nielsen). There’s a famous joke in that movie with his character. He says something to someone else, and someone else says, “Surely you can’t be serious,” then this guy responds, “I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley.”

Siri is calling someone Shirley because it’s in Airplane (the movie) mode” – r/pase1951

10. “I have no idea what this means”

A group of Nautilus sea creatures are clustered together with the text "GIRLS NIGHT" written above and below the image. The text humorously suggests a night out for the sea creatures.
r/tobern/ via reddit.com

“It’s just funny because they’re not actually girls; they’re nautiluses.” – r/ChildofValhalla


11. “Any ideas?”

A comic illustration features a police lineup with a clown, a man, a sentient showerhead, and a camel wearing a bandage. A police officer is identifying the camel, saying, "That's the one.
r/Yeny356/ via reddit.com

“The straw that broke the camel’s back” – r/HopefulForFilm

12. “A D and a G in a door bell?”

The image shows two large, bold letter "G"s with the label "Doorbells:" above them. On the left, a smaller letter "D" is inside the "G," forming the phrase "G Double D." On the right, a smaller letter "D" is above the "G," forming the phrase "G Double D.
r/lampoluza/ via reddit.com

“D in g & D on g =DING DONG” – r/FamiliarAccountant23

13. “I’m on Facebook mostly to see my dad’s posts, but of course, there’s the occasional boomer comic. They’re usually not that funny, but at least I get them… This one I don’t get.”

A cartoon shows an anthropomorphized washing machine with money inside its drum asking, "So, what y'all in for?" to a salt shaker and a battery, all appearing as inmates in a jail cell setting.
r/jankuliinu/ via reddit.com

“Money laundering vs assault and battery” – r/robhanz

14. “Yeah… I’m lost.”

Three wooden shelves are mounted on a wall in a minimalistic style. Between the middle shelf and the bottom shelf, the number '11' is displayed prominently. Above the top shelf, text reads, "Germany's elf on the shelf isn't as much fun...
r/Otherwise-Tea4290/ via reddit.com

“Elf is German for eleven.” – r/sixdoublefive321

15. “Why does a witch prefer frogs?”

A single-panel cartoon titled "Pepper … And Salt" from The Wall Street Journal. It shows a dog lying on a couch in a therapist's office, talking to a female human therapist who is seated with a notepad. The dog says, "I don't have anger issues. I just prefer the company of frogs.
r/GwailoMatthew/ via reddit.com

“The joke being when a witch gets angry she turns the person who made her angry into a frog. It’s implied this witch has turned a lot of people into frogs and she’s justifying this action.” – r/Capt_2point0

16. “Stuck on this one”

A humorous image shows fingers with faces amidst heavenly clouds, with text above reading "Heaven gaining new fingers every 4th of July" and "Come join us" below. A hand extends upward, seemingly about to join the group. Stairs made of clouds lead upward.
r/DogsAreCool21/ via reddit.com

“People tend to be stupid with fireworks stuff and blow their fingers off in progress. Which is this picture referencing off of.” – r/StuckInSoftlock