Many of us have crossed paths with an adrenaline-seeking mad lad at one point or another. You’ll recognize a proper mad lad by the way they so carelessly sprint through life’s obstacles, and likely leave complete wreckage in their wake. No really though. Anyone who is taking the time and energy to brag online about their odds-defying feats needs to take a pause to assess things. With that being said, there are also those rare cases of folks (human or animals out in the wild) being complete seemingly invincible titans. We rounded up a solid collection of both kinds of mad lads.
1. “Nothing wrong with that.”
“Mad lad definitely just found himself a date to get in for free.” – u/Jaminit_
“And there was no second date.” – u/gooneryoda
2. “Absolute unit boss lad.”
“I hope he doesn’t start a business of questionable ethics that are all aimed at getting golden eggs from salmon.” – u/Justthenewfella
“The Boss? More like Big Boss.” – u/Lanisto
3. “He has spoken.”
“Yep. Terrible job. They should hire someone else next time.” – u/CurryLamb
“Hilarious.” – u/SlartyMcGuarty
4. “The first mobile phone call.”
“First mobile call and was a spam call.” – u/eric_the_demon
“And then Motorolla went on to dominate the cell phone market and eventually take over the world. Oh wait.” – u/ATXmassw
5. “An educational mad lad that hurts yet also helps educationally.”
“Honestly valid. I feel bad for the other groups though.” – u/Bro_with_passport
“I praise your dedication.” – u/lets_educationwq
6. “Talk about a mad landlord.”
“Man’s got a mortgage and it’s the bank’s house.” – u/popholdinit32
“The fact that he kept the fact from them from years is giving seriously untrustworthy vibes.” – u/deleted
7. “Genius lad.”
“Nicely done.” – u/goofaloof
“And then they cut your hours because passably clean is nicer.” – u/Jezzta
8. “This man is beyond.”
“Why would you out yourself.” – u/austonscashews
“This reminds me that I need to cancel Netflix. Thank you.” – u/Reluctantly-Back
9. “The teacher.”
“I wouldn’t be mad. I would just melt down from laughing.” – u/deleted
“It’s funny to think this happened.” – u/golett03
10. “What a total mad dad.”
“This is the only reason I would ever want to have kids.” – u/RLS30076
“The dadest joke ever.” – u/pretzel_m
11. “What an unhinged legend though.”
“Pretty pointless when they all use proprietary syrups you can’t just go and buy at the store.” – u/skylla05
“Wow this changes everything. Except not really at all.” – u/Ankit1000
12. “Serious life pro tips at play here.”
“Try this one amazing life hack to solve any problem. It’s called money.” – u/thostevens4231
“There’s madness in the madness.” – u/Low_Presentation8149
13. “Every time a gas pump plays annoying ads, I find that mute button.”
“A true hero.” – u/amandaexpress
“Ads on a gas pump is too far, even for America.” – u/myria9
14. “An icon walks among us.”
“That audience though.” – u/yParticle
“He even brought a stool. He knew this was going to be big.” – u/Sosmikreativ
15. “Some people just want to watch the world burn.”
“And then everyone stood up and clapped.” – u/ultimatetomatoescore121
“This is the way.” – u/eldudelio
16. “Tough luck indeed.”
“Modern romantic. Sending subways instead of flowers.” – u/RubberDuckM
“Made me nostalgic for office drama.” – u/kibitzer_01
17. “Sounds like the neighbor needs to raise a roof.”
“I’d support them. Living next to construction sites is rough.” – u/midagedlandoftime
“Had me in the first half.” – u/G0ttabekiddingm3
18. “Mad lad milk.”
“If you send milk through an ultrafiltration system you get what we call 3x milk.” – u/greenflyingdragon
“Wait till they learn how percentages work.” – u/deleted
19. “A true hedge fund mad lad.”
“So. Serious doubt on that.” – u/mtb443
“Dude. Come on.” – u/stevebr43