20 Oddly Terrifying Images That Keep The Nightmare Factory’s Lights On

There’s something unexplainable, strange, and ultimately bewitching about a cursed image. We’re not talking about cursed images that actually give you cold sweats from the stress of looking at them alone. No, we’re just talking about some proper weirdly terrifying images.

1. “Parasitized tomato hornworm.”

A close-up of a person's gloved hand holding a green tomato hornworm caterpillar covered in white cocoons from parasitic braconid wasps. The caterpillar is on a green plant stem, with leaves and grass visible in the background.
u/eat_mor_bbq/via reddit.com

“I feel itchy.” – u/doodoohead98

“Would you eat it for a hundred dollars.” – u/threekno

2. “Giant eagle captured in Texas.”

A bald eagle with wings outstretched stands on a grassy patch in front of a house. The background features a residential street with parked cars and houses on a misty day.
u/breakrules939/via reddit.com

“This is why my giant 9 pound cat isn’t allowed outside.” – u/ophelias_tragedy

“American freedom.” – u/Intelligent-Table-78

3. “Calm within the storm.”

A spectacular view from an airplane window shows a partly cloudy sky with the sun breaking through, casting rays of light across the clouds below. The horizon line is visible, separating the blue sky above from the dense, cotton-like clouds below.
u/jaspervcalllope/via reddit.com

“Where is Sailor Moon when we need her.” – u/Tricky-Gemstone

Just a tad bit unsettling in spite of the whole calm within the storm element of the equation.

4. “When it’s late at night and the crawl space is ajar for some reason.”

A ceiling access panel partially open in a garage with overhead lighting illuminating the space. The garage door in the background is closed. Various items are partially visible around the garage, including folded tables and storage items.
u/shalm19239/via reddit.com

“You most certainly now have a man living in your roof.” – u/Corn-Shonery

“Go check it out. It’s probably just the house settling.” – u/Tobin678

5. “Car broke down and tow guy found a tracker.”

A hand holds a small, grey electronic device with the word "hum" and an icon of a light bulb printed on it.
u/mutt-sugar/via reddit.com

“That’s more than a tracker. It’s also a car health thing, and it’s from Verizon.” – u/cardinalsfanokc

“Curious if it’s for repo or something.” – u/Impressive-Sun3742

6. “I also found something while digging in my yard today.”

A square hole in the ground with a concrete cover leaning to the side, surrounded by dirt and grass. A shovel is stuck upright in the soil beside the hole, and a long metal pipe lies on the grass nearby. Trees and foliage are visible in the background.
u/bcmoyer/via reddit.com

“Could just be the septic tank.” – u/Yoguls-Returns

“Just put your phone on record, drop it down on a string, and see what’s down there.” – u/Naternore

7. “Found this in my yard when I was trying to dig a new garden bed.”

A large, rectangular concrete slab is partially embedded in the ground with dirt and grass around it. A shovel with a purple handle rests nearby, suggesting ongoing excavation work. The surrounding area is green with patches of grass and plants.
u/elizabethdangit/via reddit.com

“This is the cover to your septic tank. Do not open it.” – u/Silent-Draft-1010

“It’s probably nothing, but a grave.” – u/dudududu

8. “Someone just dropped off possible malware at my door.”

A hand is holding a black portable external hard drive connected via USB cable. The drive has a textured diagonal design and visible labels with technical specifications on the bottom half. The background features a concrete surface and gravel.
u/douglus_duh_dragon/via reddit.com

“The curiosity is destroying me.” – u/Seioo1919

“Straight up, I’d take it to my local PD.” – u/whatsupbrosky

9. “This morning, I got an image from my sister.”

A cluttered garage with numerous cardboard boxes and items stacked on both sides, leaving a narrow path in the center. A black dog stands in the middle of the garage, facing towards the back. The garage door is closed, and a ceiling light provides illumination.
u/stalk_jumper/via reddit.com

“This image gave me instant fight or flight upon seeing the face.” – u/buckybarnes1940

“This is truly creepy.” – u/rarefindofthemind

10. “An apartment door above my floor opened up after being closed for years.”

An hallway with cream-colored walls and a beige flooring. To the left, a dark doorway stands open with a pumpkin-like object on the floor near it. On the right, a closed door is visible. A stair railing can be seen in the foreground.
u/proof_required/via reddit.com

“If this ain’t cursed.” – u/taro_tank8

“A new side quest.” – u/Jeaolus-Tree-7086

11. “Almost swallowed this.”

A hand holds a needle above a glass filled with a frothy, milky liquid, possibly mixed with spices. The scene appears to be in a home setting with furniture and household items in the background.
u/strawberrybanner/via reddit.com

“Your life membership was almost cancelled.” – u/LilMissBarbie

“If you ever see someone use glass in an ice bin just leave.” – u/KikuSui

12. “What looks like a locked cage under my hotel shower.”

A bathroom with a dark granite bathtub surround, a white shower curtain partially closed, and a bath mat on the tile floor. The focus is on the tarnished metal vent positioned below the tub, set into a concrete wall.
u/attile_1293/via reddit.com

“So this hotel is located in Silent Hill then.” – u/rustynailsonthefloor

“There is mold on that mold.” – u/Private_gohymw

13. “Potato found under my kitchen counter.”

A bundle of light-colored roots with fine, spiky offshoots lies on a wooden surface. The roots appear fibrous and tangled. The wood grain is visible, adding texture to the background.
u/shakeyjake1990/via reddit.com

“It just wants to live.” – u/dudreddit

“Plant it. It wants to live.” – u/Remarkable-Way1001

14. “This mushroom growing in my friend’s basement.”

A network of white fungal mycelium spreads across dark soil in what appears to be an indoor setting. The intricate web of threads extends towards a wooden structure on the right, creating a visually striking pattern on the ground.
u/miiibiii/via reddit.com

“Sir, that is a whole mycelium network.” – u/BPKnight0101

“The fractal pattern on those is so cool.” – u/Traditional-Hat-952

15. “The wreck of the Titanic from afar.”

A deep underwater scene shows two large sections of a shipwreck resting on the ocean floor. The surrounding area appears to be desolate, with a blue hue illuminating the scene, emphasizing the depth and isolation of the wreckage.
u/clusterlove/via reddit.com

“And I didn’t even have to climb in a tiny boat to see it.” – u/Adventurous-Tap-1691

“Oh my goodness, that’s ominous.” – u/deleted

16. “Got home late from work to find my entryway vent like this.”

A partially installed air vent is visible on a carpeted floor with a white vent cover positioned next to it. The white baseboard in the background has detailed molding and there is a window or door above the baseboard with a latch.
u/rafelninja1`3/via reddit.com

“Sorry to say this, but it’s already in your house, man.” – u/SuggestionSweet532

“A massive rat has entered the game.” – u/Mech-maniac

17. “Ominous ring in the night sky.”

A dark, elongated oval shape is floating in a cloudy sky, illuminated faintly by a blue and white light in the background. The overall atmosphere is mysterious and ethereal.
u/eli_liam/via reddit.com

“Sorry I accidentally left my hair tie up there.” – u/FireMars_88

“Lasso tool.” – u/afraid_assistance_33

18. “New company’s located inside of a masonic temple.”

A view through a doorway into an office with wooden flooring and furniture. Above the doorway is a stained glass window featuring an eye design. Inside the office is a desk, chairs, shelves, and a large window with blinds.
u/proffie/via reddit.com

“I always feel like somebody’s watching me.” – u/_toast

“Feel around the walls for hidden switches and levers.” – u/HailCeassw12

19. “Footprint found on the wall.”

This image shows a section of a room with a ceiling fan and light visible through an open door. The white wall has a wooden ceiling panel and a small round smoke detector or alarm mounted near the ceiling. There is also a thermostat on the wall.
u/miii/via reddit.com

“It’s obviously from the man who lives in your attic.” – u/Wilkomann

“Got a barefoot person in your attic.” – u/deleted

20. “Walked outside to see what the dog was barking at.”

A nighttime scene showing a small, dimly lit house partially obscured by trees and bushes. The foreground features a vast, empty, and dusty area, while the background includes a fence and darkened foliage. The overall atmosphere is quiet and eerie.
u/sparkzsims/via reddit.com

“It wasn’t one of my cows.” – u/Yoguls-Retursn

“Just a chupacabra. It’s all good.” – u/deleted

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