Online marketplaces are filled to the brim with choosy people who have achieved shameless levels of pickiness. The worst situation that can arise when you find yourself dealing with an entitled person is if they just flat out expect you to give them what they want for free. As if the very idea of spending money never realistically crossed their mind. All you can really do in such a situation is to hit the eject button as quickly as humanly possible.
1. “Always a good idea to spoil the kids already going to Disney.”
“I used to work for Disney. You wouldn’t believe how many parents would go on Facebook and search for people that had Cast Member in the about me section of their profile. They would then message those people asking for free Disney tickets because they can’t afford to go and it’s not fair to their kids.” – u/casuallyreddit
“Send them a Venmo request instead asking for money and saying you’ve never been to Disney.” – u/juliekelly26
2. “Right to my work email.”
“The real question is where do they work that this is an okay thing to even considering doing.” – u/defensivewizard
“A middle school.” – u/plantanddogmom1
3. “Choosing beggar under the toogoodtogo app.”
“Ah yes, why on earth would the pickup time be so late. Clearly, one of life’s greatest mysteries.” – u/Aurum2k
“A literal excellent example of a choosing beggar at work. Well done, indeed.” – u/Able-Exam6453
4. “Please earn 3.75 an hour while working for my husband with your own tools.”
“Let’s be real, there’s not gonna be a bonus.” – u/EstablishmentNo5594
“Wow, so generous, the bonus would work out to be 25 cents.” – u/National_Clue_6092
5. “The pickiness seems endless.”
“The whole I’m just going to submit my order style pickiness just needs to go.” – u/Adventurous_Ad_6546
“There are times in my life that I’ve used lawn chairs as furniture and an air mattress as a bed.” – u/chewbooks
6. “I guess your friends know, so ask strangers instead.”
“If a stranger doesn’t have gas money now, when something needs to be done, I wouldn’t trust for them to have it on Friday either.” – u/AgreeablePie
“Ah, sweet old central Pennsylvania.” – u/mela_99
7. “Free jewelry of course, but I’m picky.”
“I’m ready for a change of jewelry is a brand new sentence to me.” – u/AnastasiaNo70
“Yeah, I would like some free jewelry too.” – u/Tuxiecat13
8. “This is my first house, so just furnish it please.”
“Way overpriced farmhouse accessories. No wonder they want them for free.” – u/TheldaHoanDJ
“Well, I’ve always wanted a giraffe, and I live in a house.” – u/Olivia_Bitsui
9. “Provide my kids’ summer and my ability to watch them.”
“The real question is over who is supplying the porch and the pool.” – u/BlueBirdAny3077
“No transportation is the biggest issue here.” – u/mmooney1
10. “Just pay me to care for my cat and my dog.”
“It seems like they want to abandon their pets. Talk about a whole lot of yikes.” – u/garlicbutterb
“I live in a high cost of living area, and this is a legit bargain.” – u/IHaveBoxerDogs
11. “Please bring me all of the unnecessary things.”
“Someone could benefit from learning more about needs vs. wants.” – u/Catmom1964
“I’m in desperate need for a chandelier, but also nothing too gaudy though.” – u/awkward1066
12. “Just a casual Broyhill dresser then.”
“Nope, you want a Broyhill dresser and a chest, but you don’t actually need it.” – u/AssistPure
“I can’t imagine asking for a dresser and also demanding that it be real wood.” – u/Pineapple14
13. “A truly brilliant way to deal with influencers.”
“Choosing beggars don’t have time to deal with that crazy thing called logic.” – u/banjowashisname
“Genius. Simple, elegant, and wildly effective.” – u/NewTubeReview
14. “I was giving away a free dishwasher on Craigslist, and I caught one in the wild.”
“Generous counteroffer in all honesty.” – u/FlowRollMB
“I will never understand people who want a better deal than free.” – u/Cybertoaster
15. “Broke boy.”
“I usually order water. No need for the extra sugar and calories.” – u/TallicLizzy
“You know your soul is broken when you only search for the materialistic in everything.” – u/Edi369
16. “My mechanic just telling how it is.”
“We see this so often in the IT world too.” – u/C39J
“Quick, cheap, or good. Simply pick two.” – u/deekpah
17. “This store knows.”
“The more common thing is for people to ask if the store price matches.” – u/deleted
“So, they’ll just buy them online.” – u/anonymous1
18. “He’s going to pay with experience bucks.”
“I’ve earned enough experience bucks to tell you that this isn’t going to work.” – u/RoyallyOak
“Wonder what the conversion rate is of Stanley nickels to experience bucks.” – u/Burnerzog
19. “The ketchup critics walk among us.”
“The Pittsburghers are shaking as they read this.” – u/jess8771
“What kind of person goes and buys Hunt’s though.” – u/anonnymous32
20. “Over a whopping 75 cents, to boot.”
“Loose change does add up over time though.” – u/Etrigone
“To think that 75 cents used to be enough to get something small at Taco Bell.” – u/expbrussel