The 1990s were an absolutely vibrant decade. MTV, Nickelodeon, Toys R Us, KMart, Mervyns, Super Soakers, Hip-Hop, Grunge, Alternative Rock, neon colors, annoying commercials – it was a strange and loud time and a golden era to be a kid or young adult. So much of the media was geared toward cashing in on new countercultures, yet it still maintained a lot of the 80s flair for celebrity.
This was incredibly fun for me to make, and I hope it’s just as fun to look at. So jump in our time machine; we’re headed to the 90s!
1. “Remember when you had to watch Titanic on two separate VHS tapes?

2. “From the 1991 Sears Fall Catalog”

3. “Very popular in the 90s, we all wanted one”

4. “Nothing says the 90s like a clear plastic neon Conair phone”

5. “How did everyone own this exact alarm clock?”

6. “McDonald’s Batman Forever drink glass set”

7. “Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss, 1994”

8. “Power up!!”

9. “That weird period in the 90s when Warner Bros. were selling shirts with ‘hip’ characters’

10. “SNL in 1992”

11. “91, Dad thought Mom would like this band”

12. “Didn’t it seem like every family had a Ford Aerostar”

13. “Taco Bell in the 90s”

14. “My crush in the 90s was Cindy Crawford in the Pepsi ads”

15. “Classic day off from school be like”

16. “Prince shooting hoops in the mid 90s”

17. “At a Toys R Us, 1991”

18. “A perfectly preserved Taco Bell receipt from 1999 found inside a library book. An incredible archaeological find!”

19. “Why was there always a bite taken outta these?”

20. “August of 94 box office”

21. “Purple and Teal: The official colors of the 90s”

22. “Who remembers the Forbidden Bridge Christmas of 94?”

23. “I would give anything to go back”

24. “These leather phone cases”

25. “Bill Elliott’s 1999 #94 McDonald’s Ford Taurus”

26. “These were the 90s kids first glimpse into the single adult life”

27. “Lollapalooza 93”

28. “My family and I (sitting on the tire) in 93 in front of the Grave Digger in Atlanta”

29. “Macaulay Culkin and Joe Pesci at the wrap party for Home Alone, 1990”

30. “Salma Hayek casting photo from the 90s”

31. “Pound puppies”

32. “1997 Toys r Us advertisement”

33. “Page me later”

34. “A picture of my sister and I in 1995ish. Macintosh Performa with AOL on it and VH1’s Pop Up Video on TV”

35. “Found my old POG collection. Mostly 92-93”

36. “One of the best TV dads of the 90s”

37. “Shark Bites – I was truly obsessed with these”

38. “Get into Grunge! Ad from KMar Australia in 93”

39.”San Francisco Chronicle TV listing 9/28/91″

40. “Top Video Rentals March 13, 1998”

41. “Woodstock 94”

42. “If you had a favorite pattern, you back hurts when you wake up now”

43. “Nothing about this man made sense.”

44. “Me getting a Super Nintendo on my birthday in 92”

45. “Anyone else used to watch this?”

46. “Ad for Stouffer’s New Lunch Express 4/12/93”

47. “Dad’s old Rat Fink shirt by Big Daddy himself in 91, covered in motor oil and grease”

48. “Pamela Ander in 1993”

49. “Who else had automatic seatbelts?”

50. “My sister dated Macho Man Randy Savage back in the 90s. This is me with him”

51. “An ad I found from Jan 3, 1992”

52. “Trent Reznor at Woodstock 94”

53. “Jurassic Park is coming soon to VHS 10/4/94”

54. “1994 Yearbook photo”

55. “Uncle Cliffy card from the 91-92 season”

56. “Matthew Lillard, Skeet Ulrich and Neve Campbell at the Screen Premiere in 1996”

57. “Hard to pick my top 5 favorite movies from 94”

58. “Happy customers buying Windows 95”

59. “Rosario Dawson and Chloe Sevigny on the set of Kids in 94”

60. “VHS from 94 for GM’s antilock brakes”

61. “Chris Farley at Woodstock 94”

62. “Elliott Smith in Portland in 94”

63. “Gaming in the 90s”

64. “Every bowling alley in the 90s”

65. “Pierce Brosnan around 93/94 after being confirmed as the next James Bond”

66. “Candy Kids (97). Getting ready for the rave”

67. “August 18, 1998 USA Today”

68. “Three 6 Mafia in 1995”

69. “Ray Lewis the day of the 96 NFL draft”

70. “Me and my sister outside Nickelodeon Studios circa 95-96”

71. “Eating breakfast at McDonald’s in 1995”

72. “Gaming in my room in the 90s”

73. “How did everyone have these same computer speakers in the 90s?”

74. “This is what every kitchen looked like in the 90s”

75. “The Clapper”

76. “These Etnies from the late 90s”

77. “Microsoft Encarta: The Wikipedia of the 90s”

78. “I miss 90s Sizzler”

79. “School libraries in the 90s”

80. “90s big screen tv”

81. “90s LAN Party with the boys”

82. “Delias catalog, anyone?”

83. “Remember the band in 90s Chuck E Cheese?”

84. “Little Caesars tasted better when it was in KMarts in the 90s”

85. “90s Handheld Gaming”

86. “Art instruction school commercials from the 90s”

87. “Capri Suns from the early 90s”

88. “Accurate”

89. “Every 90s kids ceiling”

90. “This 90s newspaper ad for The Simpsons”