As long as social media has been around we’ve had people trying to market their lives as being perfect. The lengths that someone will go to in the pursuit toward catching that highly unrealistic, perfect Instagram picture is alarming. Occasionally though, we get lucky and the antics can catch up with them. These folks
1. “I’m scared she’s so close.”
“Watch out she’s right behind you.” – u/emkey23
“It’s like something you’d see in a horror movie.” – u/boleynshead
2. “They tried to use the warp tool.”
“Ain’t no way.” – u/jhidalg4
“Come on now.” – u/lydiarosebw
3. “When your whole head is half the size of your biceps.”
“What? He skipped head day at the gym.” – u/beladona7
“Well it looks plausible.” – u/VINNAY_p
4. “No words.”
“It looks like she copy pasted a video game character’s face on her own.” – u/ohdearitsrichardii
“First this made me genuinely laugh out loud, but then I just felt bad.” – u/StrictAngle
5. “You’d think she might look a little different in real life.”
“This level of editing on a dating app is so weird to me.” – u/elderberrykiwi
“Noses are overrated anyways.” – u/deleted
6. “Found this on Pinterest for long hair.”
“It’s like wallpaper. You can see the same pattern repeating itself.” – u/ohdearitsrichardiii
“I’d need a neck support.” – u/sweetnsalty24
7. “Left photo was taken at event unedited, and she posted the right pic.”
“Stop it that looks scary different.” – u/Sar_Bear1
“She looks like she used a filter of her own daughter’s face.” – u/Loudmouthed
8. “This is just getting ridiculous.”
“She didn’t even look like this when she was young.” – u/Mander2019
“Curious why not one person on Instagram calls her out on these. She looks ridiculous.” – u/deleted
9. “I just.”
“This reminds me of demon characters from a horror movie.” – u/paninislife4real
“Her eyes are so scary.” – u/angelicwoo
10. “Never heard of skin texture.”
“Texture? I hardly know her.” – u/DLuLuChanel
“I’m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world.” – u/Suspiciouss
11. “What she’s tagged in vs. what she posts.”
“She can’t even look like her.” – u/Good_Mornin_Sunshine
“People who have that much work done, always end up with these giant faces.” – u/1AliceDerland
12. “She always has a V shaped face on Instagram.”
“That’s why I never recognize her on TV until she sings.” – u/paperpurplefrog
“I can’t quite figure out what she did to her face, but she looks so different now.” – u/icyfloydian
13. “Amazing.”
“I scrolled by fast at first and thought the second picture was Bret Michaels.” – u/mmbhec
“I have no idea who this is, but she looks like she went way overboard on the fake tan in the second picture.” – u/squee_
14. “Skin texture for thee and not for me.”
“How does a 47 year old look older than a 65 year old? Oh yeah, filters.” – u/nothingbetter85
“Nothing looks worse than people who edit themselves and not the other people in the photo.” – u/deleted
15. “Those are some unique sunglasses.”
“It’s fashion, sweetie.” – u/tearose11
“Wonder if she was trying to lengthen her hair.” – u/chipcrazy
16. “Completely makeup free.”
“She always does the tongue against the teeth thing.” – u/Funny_Coconut
“This world is disappointing.” – u/loveyouloveme_
17. “So many questions.”
“She spends extra time editing the photos when it’s not even necessary.” – u/Unauthorized_Fr
“Yeah, she’s messed up for doing that.” – u/emotionalpizza6342
18. “What she posts vs. what she looks like in real life.”
“Smells upper lip constantly.” – u/deleted
“People care more about what they look like in pictures, than in real life. Crazy times.” – u/Dudewheresmycah
19. “Online dating prospect.”
“That hairline isn’t natural.” – u/_petunia7x
“Please meet him in person so that you can see what he really looks like.” – u/Trauma11
20. “Yes, it’s the same person.”
“She’s clearly using the younger feature on FaceApp.” – u/deleted
“She never even looked like that.” – u/sincethenn
21. “That’s seriously far out.”
“The delusion is real.” – u/WasabiPedicure
‘I can’t stop laughing.” – u/47squirrels