Some people are committed to make it known to the rest of us that they’re just miserably stuck in the wrong generation. Nostalgia can be blinding in its own way. When we look back on the old times, sometimes we conveniently skim right over the rough patches that inspired us to look forward to when things with change. We rounded up collection of pics and memes that are dedicated toward satirically mocking any nostalgic people who believe the past to be undeniably better than today.
1. “Every generation has cool, whiny, and cranky people.”
“Cooler than both, which is why they try to prove how cool they are by telling everyone about it.” – u/Prof-finklestink
“Sounds pretty whiny to me.” – u/Nirvski
2. “As a Gen Z, I don’t agree with this.”
“A solid pro tip is to never assume that anyone knows your texting etiquette.” – u/OwlsWatch
“Millennial here and if I give you a thumbs up it’s my polite way of saying I don’t care about what you just said, and I’m going to do what I want.” – u/jonnyson14
3. “Born in 2001, I’m basically a ’90s kid.”
“I too think things were better when I was a baby with no responsibility.” – u/screamingpeaches
“I was born in ’91 and I hardly remember anything from the nineties.” – u/Novaer
4. “The Beatles are pretty underground and you probably haven’t heard of them.”
“Can’t wait for people to say this about Taylor Swift in a few decades.” – u/Witeleopard
“The double spaces makes me think it’s a boomer.” – u/crazdave
5. “Bro says being a teen in the late ’50s and ’60s was the best.”
“It’s amazing how they somehow always choose a time period where they would have been drafted.” – u/deleted
The fact that they dropped the bit about life being simpler back then took this one to a whole new level of boomer nostalgia.
6. “Kids today are wild.”
“Good thing my generation never did anything dumb.” – u/Jorymo
“Boomers confusing internet trends with the real world will never not be hilarious.” – u/deleted
7. “Just don’t use the slang.”
“New slang double plus bad.” – u/BraveRock
“Can’t believe they think our slang is mid.” – u/needlesfox
8. “Hit the nail on the head.”
“I don’t understand YouTube comments at all. It’s like a script for every video. It’s a race to see who posts each category of post.” – u/deleted
“I hate lazy comments.” – u/Sleepy_Sleeper
9. “Just saw this on Facebook.”
“Just skip a day and listen to it tomorrow. Problem solved.” – u/deleted
“No one’s forcing you to listen.” – u/j10brook
10. “Found this in a post about the worst songs ever made.”
“That’s a really specific year.” – u/sinshock555
“If you can’t find music after a certain time period, you’re not looking hard enough.” – u/OwlflighttheCat
11. “Just, wow.”
“Ah, a new addition to the trend of, modern is bad, old good, education bad, dumb good.” – u/deleted
“They wouldn’t last a week living in the bottom house. Prone to whatever weather conditions are outside and not much utility inside compared to modern homes.” – u/Par31
12. “Clearly a child.”
“To be honest, it’s definitely an alien.” – u/mond4203
“Oh no, this green thing still exists.” – u/overwhelmed
13. “We’ve come full circle.”
“I can’t believe I’m this old.” – u/bimmom
“The cycle never ends.” – u/deleted
14. “I thought you grew out of this when you turned 20.”
“If you think modern music isn’t good, you’re just not looking.” – u/vertigo90
“Good thing they live in a generation with easy access to all of that music.” – u/Goofballs
15. “Even video game music isn’t safe.”
“I feel like even Gen Alpha knows what Mario is.” – u/Immmistyer
“Ah yes, the 2019 kids were born adults.” – u/AlbiTuri05
16. “Those were ye good old days.”
“I just listen to the Spongebob soundtrack all day.” – u/teetaps
“I was born in the wrong gen.” – u/deleted
17. “Nostalgia comes for us all.”
“Every generation feels superior to the one that came after them. Just like the 90s kids feel superior to me and I feel superior to the iPad Fortnite kids.” – u/deleted
“I don’t understand why people can’t be appreciative of things from a certain time without venerated to the point of absurdity.” – u/kingkongworm
18. “No one has good taste any more.”
“Let me guess, they think that all music nowadays is mumble rap, despite the fact that mumble rap has been gone for years.” – u/rectangle_salt
“I’m not like other zoomers.” – u/gGiasca
19. “They went all in.”
“The fastest cars? Look I’m not a car guy, but I’m pretty sure that they weren’t that fast.” – u/gGiasca
“Actually Happy Days was aired in the ’70s.” – u/madface7