The Best Comebacks To “Ok Boomer”

Anyone who falls within the realm of being a boomer likely knows the first thing about the frustration that can come of being seemingly instantaneously dismissed by a human of a more youthful generation solely on the grounds that they’re a boomer. To hear the defiantly muttered, “ok boomer”, is to hear what might as well be the necessary conclusion of a conversation that will likely go nowhere. However, if you’re a boomer and you’re in need of a proper comeback to address all the sass, then these top-tier comebacks might be just what you need.

1. And here we go.

Reddit screenshot about how younger generation doesn't want the hard truth.

2. Ah, playing ignorant.

Reddit screenshot about how one can ignore an ok boomer comment to get back at a younger person.

3. Or, just letting things be as they are.

Reddit screenshot about just accepting an ok boomer roast when it comes around.

4. Ouch.

Reddit screenshot about refusing to respond to someone who lacks creativity with their ok boomer insult.

5. Interesting and confusing at the same time.

Reddit screenshot about trying to confuse someone who says ok boomer.

6. Oh no, not the blog.

Reddit screenshot about saying a younger person will get mentioned in the blog for saying ok boomer.

7. This might be the only actual “comeback.”

Reddit screenshot about how one can roast a younger person for not being able to afford a home during these harder economic times.