10 Infuriatingly Technically Correct Moments

Just because someone turns out to be right about something doesn’t mean that it’s also not going to be infuriating based solely on the fact that they had to be right. We’ve all crossed paths with that one individual that for whatever reason or result of their own conditioning has ended up being dogged by a stubborn case of needing to make it known to as many strangers and friends and family members alike that they are in fact right. Maybe, we’re getting carried away with our assessment here. Or maybe you feel it on a painful level. At least there are some genuinely entertaining gems spread throughout this collection of technically correct moments.

1. Okay, And Here We Go

Reddit comment screenshot of someone trolling another person about fact that cows might kill more people than sharks.

2. So Inconsiderate, Mike

Facebook screenshot of someone trolling comment section about another person's dating status.

3. Too Much Luck To Handle

Reddit comment from someone who turned 11 on 11/11/11

4. They Really Went There

Reddit comment screenshot about how to turn apologetic communication style into more diplomatic stance.

5. Actually, Accurate, Unfortunately

Reddit comment about what tastes better than it smells.

6. Fair Enough

Reddit screenshot about what you would hypothetically do if you were the last person on earth.

7. Checkmate

Reddit screenshot about what certain men would do to make the first move.

8. It’s Not That Easy

Reddit comments screenshot about how people can get frustrated with introverts being quiet.

9. Well, When You Put It Like That

Reddit question about what someone would do if they suddenly woke up to be a billionaire.

10. Bloop!

Reddit question asks what would happen if someone put a sleeping pill into a mug of coffee.

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