15 Old-Fashioned General Stores That Once Served the American West

Before the surge in the popularity of the world’s big-box stores and online shopping, old-fashioned general stores were the staple of the American West. These stores had pretty much everything you could think of at the time. They were always stocked up on the essential dry goods and tools, as well as fabrics and medicines to keep the frontier communities running well. We’ll take a look at 15 of the old-fashioned general stores that once served the American West.

1. The Brick Store (Bath, New Hampshire)

Vintage black and white photo of the Old Brick Store in Bath, New Hampshire. Features a two-story building with a porch, four people standing in front, and signage reading "Groceries" and "Dry Goods & Notions.

The longest continuously operated general store in the U.S., known for its smoked meats and maple syrup. Any store that’s been the longest in operation and is selling smoked meats is in an iconic place.

2. Floyd County Store (Floyd, Virginia)

Black and white photo of a large crowd gathered outside "Farmers Supply Co." on a dirt road. People are wearing early 20th-century clothing. A wooden building is visible, with power lines and rocky ground around. Sky appears cloudy.
u/floydcountrystore/via facebook

Famous for bluegrass music and weekly jamborees. If you were lucky enough to attend one of those weekly jamborees, you were really in for a treat.

3. Brown & Hopkins Country Store (Chepachet, Rhode Island)

A green, snow-covered building labeled "Brown & Hopkins Country Store" with American bunting on either side of the entrance. Snow is falling, and there's an exterior staircase on the side of the building.

A 219-year-old shop featuring antiques and a pot-bellied stove. The pot-bellied stove is truly in a league of its own.

4. Randsburg General Store (Randsburg, California)

Vintage general store with a soda fountain, displaying signs for a restaurant and beer/wine. The facade is rustic, with a Coca-Cola sign and American flag. A car and picnic table are visible in the foreground.

A relic from the 1890s gold rush, complete with a soda fountain. If you ever get to check out that old soda fountain, consider yourself very lucky indeed.

5. Way Way Store (Saco, Maine)

A historic store with a sign reading "National Register Way Way Store of Historic Places." The building has a red and white brick pattern, a porch with seating, and decorative flags. A grassy lawn and a tree are in the foreground.
u/waywaystore/via waywaystore

A century-old shop with a mid-century vibe and original gas pumps. It’s really those original gas pumps that give this spot such an undeniable level of authenticity.

6. Nagley’s General Store (Talkeetna, Alaska)

A rustic red building covered in snow, featuring "Nagley's Store" and "West Rib Pub" signs. It also serves as a liquor store. Several antlers decorate the exterior. There are snow-covered benches and a sign advertising food specials outside.

Established during the Alaska gold rush and is known for its resident cats. What else could you need?

7. Russell’s General Store (Bovina, New York)

A vintage black-and-white photo of a small gas station with a wooden facade and large windows. Two men and a child stand outside. A gas pump is visible in the foreground. The area is slightly hilly with trees in the background.

Open since 1919, it still offers gas, provisions, and local goods. You’ve got to respect that kind of longevity in this unforgiving day and age.

8. Marine General Store (Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota)

A charming white building houses the Marine General Store. The entrance is adorned with festive garlands and a small decorated Christmas tree. Signs in the window offer bakery goods and groceries.
u/marinegeneralstore/via facebook

The oldest operating general store in Minnesota. It’s been no easy feat keeping the store up and running.

9. Berdine’s Five & Dime (Harrisville, West Virginia)

Storefront of Berdine's Variety, a 5&10¢ store, with vintage decor. The entrance has wooden doors and festive decorations. American and other flags are displayed. The windows show various items and a snowflake design. Red brick walls are visible.
u/berdinesfiveanddime/via facebook

A century-old shop that once sold items for just a dime. If only things were still like that. We’re looking at you, $10 cartons of eggs.

10. Rabbit Hash General Store (Rabbit Hash, Kentucky)

Front view of the Rabbit Hash General Store in Kentucky, featuring a vintage Coca-Cola sign. Two dogs sit on the wooden porch. The building is rustic with signs advertising tobacco, potions, and sundries. Leafless trees are visible in the background.
u/rabbithashgeneralstore/via facebook

Known for its old-time charm and historical significance, you can still make out what gave this particular old-fashioned general store such an undeniable allure.

11. Old Forge Hardware (Old Forge, New York)

A two-story brick building with large glass windows and a sign reading "York Emporium" stands at a street corner under a blue sky. Adjacent is a smaller white building with decorative elements. Sidewalks run alongside both structures.
u/oldforgehardware/via facebook

A close example of a traditional general store, selling everything from hardware to clothing. The whole idea of a one-stop-shop only soared in popularity throughout the years.

12. Old St. Vincent’s Trading Post (Missouri)

A vintage general merchandise store with an overhead sign and awnings. Five people stand on the steps, and a dog sits nearby. Clothing is displayed in the windows. The building also functions as a post office, visible in the signage.

A historic store that served pioneers along the Mississippi. The importance of having these stores spread throughout the Mississippi for travelers can’t be expressed enough.

13. South Pass Trading Co. (Wyoming)

A group of people walking toward a rustic wooden mining structure in a grassy, open area. The sky is cloudy, and there are other small buildings in the background. The scene conveys a historical or abandoned setting.
u/TodaysWildWest/via YouTube

Once an important stop on the Oregon Trail, now one can get adventuresome and tour the old grounds that are still rich in history.

14. Pioneer Store (New Mexico)

Old wooden building labeled "Museum" with a rustic porch, weathered wood siding, and a metal roof against a blue sky. Trees and a dirt path are in the background.

A preserved example of an 1800s general store serving frontier communities.

15. Murphy & Dolan Mercantile (Lincoln, New Mexico)

A historical marker stands in front of a gray building with wooden steps and a porch. The sign details the Murphy-Dolan Store, built in 1874, highlighting its role in local business, county government, and as a judicial center for 33 years.

This infamous store played a pivotal role in the Lincoln County War. The war itself involved a violent conflict led by Billy the Kid in the 1870s. The store served as the dominant business in Lincoln County, controlling both trade and supplies.

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