The Wild West has long captivated the imagination of generations. With its rugged landscapes, fierce animals, and fearless cowboys, it was a place of danger and adventure at every turn. At the heart of this wild era were the original rodeos, where the raw, unfiltered courage of both man and beast was on full display. These thrilling competitions were a testament to the skill and bravery required to survive in such a harsh environment. In the early 1900s, photographers captured these historic moments, preserving the intense energy of this time for future generations and today, we’re excited to share these images with you. Here are 20 photos of original rodeos in the 1900s.
1. Well, this isn’t going as planned.

I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to ride a horse on your butt, not on your shoulder.
2. Just a normal Monday for a cowboy in the 1900s.

This is the part of the rodeo that people don’t think about. This massive one-ton beast could crush you like a bug.
3. How does one tame a bull after a rodeo?

This would be the bull I chose if I had to ride a bull in a rodeo. If you want more content like this be sure to follow us!
4. In the Old West, if you were too small to ride a bull, you rode a pig.

This little guy is mean-mugging like a maniac, and rightfully so. That beast is five times his size and he tamed it without a problem.
5. The first lady of the rodeo, Tad Lucas.

Tad Lucas was one of the first female participants in the rodeo, and boy did she kill at it. Her legend has been passed down through generations of bull riders.
6. The Cowboys are prepping to take on their bulls, that’s a deep stretch.

You’d better believe I’d be stretching if I was about to hop on a two thousand-pound beast. These guys look like they’re going through it right now.
7. Tillie Baldwin rode horses like it was her job.

What do you do when you get comfortable riding a horse? Stand up on it and ride it like a surfboard.
8. Do you think he held on?

He didn’t. Rumor has it this guy absolutely ate it seconds after this photo.
9. You’d better pray that big boy doesn’t step on you.

This is one of the bigger bulls we’ve seen. Just imagine the sounds it was making seconds before this guy hopped onto him.
10. Sir, I don’t think that’s how you ride a horse.

He looks as comfortable as I do at my local coffee shop. But he’s not sipping on a cold brew, he’s riding a horse backwards.
11. This was back when rodeos were just in people’s backyards.

You know these guys are true legends because they don’t have a massive crowd cheering them on. It’s just their buddies in their backyard.
12. In the early 1900s, they would perform rodeos for prison inmates.

Riding a wild bucking horse wasn’t enough for this guy, he had to do it in a pit surrounded by prison inmates.
13. That bad boy’s kicking up dust.

Everyone behind him is looking at this guy like he isn’t going to make it. The kicked-up dirt is proof he’s about to do flying.
14. We want to know if they dull those horns before riding.

Seriously though, think about it. If one of those bulls bucks forward extremely hard and you hit your chest on those horns, I’d want to be sure it wasn’t going to pierce my skin.
15. Now this family is ready to take on the rodeo.

Check it out, even the little tike has a stallion to ride. This family was pulling up to the rodeo in style.
16. How do people look at an angry bull and think, I want to ride that?

This guy looks so casual other than the fact he lost his hat. He barely has any protection he’s so comfortable.
17. This little guy tamed a little bull.

This is hands down, the cutest yet ugliest baby bull I’ve ever seen. I’m printing this photo out and framing it.
18. That bull’s face is hysterical.

That is the face of a man who regrets the decisions he’s made. And that is the face of a bull that’s about to absolutely destroy the strange man on his back.
19. Barrel racing is one of the most exciting parts of a rodeo.

If you’ve never seen a barrel race, it truly shows off the sheer speed of a horse. They’re some of the most eloquent and agile creatures ever to exist.
20. In the 1900s, they wrestled bulls to the ground.

Evidently, he flew over the bull, caught it by the horns, and wrestled it to the ground. This man could beat up Chuck Norris.