In the early 1900s, lumberjacks were the backbone of an industry that helped build the nation. From dense forests to makeshift camps, a lumberjack’s life was defined by long hours, harsh conditions, and a strong connection to nature. With axes in hand and saws at the ready, they braved dangerous conditions and physical exhaustion in the world’s most remote forests. These images offer a powerful glimpse into the life of a lumberjack, and we’re here to share them with you.
Here are 23 photos of lumberjacks you’re sure to appreciate.
1. We can only imagine the time spent cutting down this monster.

2. They aren’t even using a saw, just axes.

3. They’re not even planning on chopping that down, it’s just a little bed for their friend.

4. This crew could have taken on the world.

5. We want to know how often those axes break.

6. You could make an entire house out of one block from this tree.

7. Paddling upstream to chop down some trees.

8. Would you feel comfortable around these massive blocks of wood?

9. Say it with us, I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay.

10. This was a family business in 1920.

11. Log rolling was a skill all lumberjacks had.

12. We’d rather chop the tree than strip the bark.

13. These guys were so proud of this stump, they needed a photo op.

14. Do you know why they push the logs into the river?

15. It makes sense the crews were so big.

16. Those are some seriously strong horses.

17. Lumberjills deserve more credit.

18. We’re curious how he stacked those logs on that truck.

19. Why do they start up so high on the tree?

20. It’s sad yet marvelous to see such a massive tree taken down.

21. The one-man jobs are the most impressive.

22. The worst decision you could make is to join a team of lumberjacks in Alaska, in the winter.

23. Members of the Women’s Timber Corps, 1930s.