Before there were such things as CNC machines and digital fabrication tools, machinists instead relied upon precision, skill, and a wide array of tools that had been masterfully handcrafted. These vintage machinist tools are handpicked from a period long since passed, yet not easily forgotten. In these 18 fascinating photos, we’ll take a journey back in time to take a closer look at the impressive evolution of machinist tools.
1. An unknown Vintage Combo Square Pre-Restoration

2. A grandfather’s old micrometer sets

3. This could be a real Starrett Square on our hands here

4. A 1960s Okuma Lathe

5. A nice Wilton Mill Vise

6. Nothing like a retired machinist’s toolbox

7. Always fun to resurface some vintage anvils

8. An old Cincinnati Bickford Camel Back Drill

9. We’re talking about a 200-year-old lathe here

10. A rather stunning machinist’s tool chest

11. Some sweet vintage metrology

12. Someone get ready for pedaling

13. Get a load of this vintage Norwegian heavy-duty measuring tape

14. A stunning vintage height gauge

15. A pretty cool vintage mill hanging out in a lobby

16. A vintage thread die holder

17. H. Gerstner & Sons Machinist chest

18. Some vintage Mitutoyo Clippers