This is a collection of “errogant” people, those who are completely wrong but totally certain about it. Some of these are fairly excusable, while others bring shame to their teachers, families, and loved ones. Just a reminder to everyone reading this (and the person who is writing it) that you fact-checking is free, and you don’t have to respond to every post you see on the internet.
Here are 35 people who were very smug and very wrong online.
1. Please pick up a book

That’s an all-time comeback.
2. “Someone got their history tests handed back face down.”

This is such an easy thing to look up. Why bring shame to your family by spouting such nonsense.
3. Overly confident

Are you sure about that?
4. Then how are we seeing it?

When you have no idea how anything works, including your eyes.
5. This is tri-gerring.

6. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France, but okay.

This is so embarrassing.
7. Margaret Atwood wrote that book, brainiac.

An embarrassing move to accidentally correct the author of The Handmaid’s Tale about the meaning of The Handmaid’s Tale.
8. If you could care less, then you care at least a little.

Easy mistake, but hilarious that he’s just so smug about it.
9. When you think percentages only work on multiples of 100.

The world must be such a magical place to this person.

Actually not sure if this person is joking.
11. It has for some of us, apparently.

12. “It’s called the water cycle, pal.”

13. We’ve moved so far away from the farm that people don’t understand how seed oils work.

14. Let me introduce you to a person who thinks every country has a different sun.

15.Wales is, in fact, a country

16. The dictionary was cold for this one.

I love that Merriam-Webster is coming from the top ropes with a “No.”
17. “Please, I’m begging you, learn to read.”

18. Facts are facts

19. Sure, King George III just politely handed the U.S. its independence.

20. $1 million or $6/day

Excellent, it’ll just take you over 456.6 years to get to a million, but after that, you’ve got it made.
21. Excellent work, everyone.

What are they even teaching in schools?
22. Laying in a hunting blind for 6 hours before sneaking up on some berries.

Smearing some berries on my face after my first gathering.
23. “Well, I’m not sure if I agree but ok.”

Imagining this guy driving for 24 hours straight at 75mph just to see if he’s right.
24. Say that again, but a little bit slower.

25. So explain these 10 billionaires.

I would immediately abandon that email address and start a new one.
26. This was in response to Georgia applying to be in the EU

Friendly reminder that googling things is free.
27. Explaining wildlife behavior to a biologist.

Not to mention he mixed up black bear behavior with brown bear behavior.
28. This was in response to a post showing the calorie count of fried chicken that was on a scale showing 60g

Does this person think their bathroom scale is showing them how many calories they are?
29. Pi is 3.14

It’s really not necessary to reply to every post you see, just because you see it.
30. The soup du jour

This one might be my favorite of the entire bunch.
31. Cow make milk for me

This is such a good encapsulation of how some people think the world works.