10 Legendary Female Historical Figures That Deserve Far More Recognition

I’ve been on a history facts kick as of late, and it’s high time that we pay our proper respects toward some of the world’s female historical figures that deserve far more recognition. We’ll cover some of the greats like Ida B. Wells, Katherine Johnson, and Bertha Benz. One of the most fun parts about educating oneself with various bits of history knowledge is that they’re also a great way to keep conversations going. People are curious, and there can never be too much history to take down.

1. Ching Shih (1775–1844)

A historic-style sailing ship with multiple masts and sails unfurled, flying a Union Jack flag, glides on a calm body of water. Lush green trees line the shore under a clear blue sky.
u/davedibert/via unsplash

Ching Shih was a Chinese pirate leader who was responsible for helping command one of history’s most massive pirate fleets, enforcing extremely strict codes, and defeating powerful naval fleets all the while.

2. Ida B. Wells (1862–1931)

A historical portrait of a woman in a high-collared Victorian dress with intricate patterns. Her hair is styled in an updo. The background is faded and shows a distant, old cityscape with domed buildings.
]u/wttw/via youtube

Ida B. Wells was an African American journalist, a highly talented educator, and a passionate activist. Wells was responsible for leading numerous anti-lynching campaigns, fought for civil rights, and successfully co-founded the NAACP.

3. Hedy Lamarr (1914–2000)

Black and white portrait of a woman with wavy, dark hair parted in the middle. She has a calm expression, arched eyebrows, and is facing the camera directly. The background is blurred, focusing attention on her face.
u/forgottenhistory/via youtube

Hedy Lamar was a Hollywood actress and also a brilliant inventor on the side. It’s not every day that you cross paths with someone who can pull that off. Lamarr helped co-develop a technology that could frequency-hop. That very tech would become the core building block for modern Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

4. Nzinga Mbande (1583–1663)

A bronze statue of a woman in traditional attire, holding a paddle or oar. She wears a headdress and a patterned skirt. The background is a plain creamy-yellow wall.
u/randltv/via youtube

Nzinga Mbande was the Queen of Ndongo as well as Matamba (modern-day Angola). She resisted the Portugese colonization and also courageously fought to help safeguard her people’s independence.

5. Katherine Johnson (1918–2020)

An elderly woman with glasses and white hair sits on a patterned chair. She is wearing a maroon top and gold earrings, looking slightly to the side.
u/hnationalgeographic/via youtube

Katherine Johnson was a brilliant mathematician whose calculations would ultimately play a crucial role in helping guide NASA’s space missions. You’ve probably heard of one of those missions, which happens to be called the Apollo moon landing.

6. Maria Sibylla Merian (1647–1717)

A person stands next to a table displaying botanical illustrations and open books. Two framed artworks of flowers, including lilies and peonies, are prominently featured. The setting is a well-lit room with a grand piano and floral-patterned furniture.
u/oakspringbfoundation/via youtube

Maria Sibylla Merian was a pioneering naturalist as well as a scientific illustrator. She carried out numerous revelatory studies focused on the insect life cycles long, long before the creation of modern entomology.

7. Claudette Colvin (b. 1939)

A person sitting on a floral-patterned couch holds up a black-and-white photo covering their face. The photo shows a young girl with glasses and curled hair. The person's hair and earrings are visible around the photo.
u/greatbigstory/via youtube

Claudette Colvin showed the world just how fearless she was at the age of 15 when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger while in Alabama. This would end up igniting a movement just months before Rosa Parks.

8. Bertha Benz (1849–1944)

A black-and-white image showing two people with an early model three-wheeled motor vehicle in a field. One person is sitting on the vehicle while the other stands beside it, appearing to inspect or support it. Hills are visible in the background.
u/mercedezbenzusa/via youtube

Bertha Benz ended up making history’s first ever long-distance car journey, which helped demonstrate the very practicality of her husband Karl Benz’s invention, the automobile.

9. Hatshepsut (c. 1507–1458 BCE)

A limestone bust of an Egyptian pharaoh, adorned with a nemes headdress. The sculpture is set against a dark background featuring carvings with hieroglyphics and figures, highlighting the bust's details and serene expression.
u/nbcnewslearning/via youtube

Hatshepsut was one of ancient Egypt’s most famous pharaohs. She was responsible for helping expand trade, commissioned numerous grand architectural projects, and also ruled for two whole decades.

10. Sybil Ludington (1761–1839)

A person with long hair rides a horse through a forest at night, looking back with a determined expression. The horse's mane is windswept. A village in the background is on fire, casting an orange glow amidst the trees.
u/freehistory/via youtube

Sybil Ludington was a young American revolutionary war hero who ended up riding twice as far as Paul Revere to help rally the troops. Her clutch contributions are neglected far too often.

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