When you think of industrial digs, you think of large machines and a massive pile of rubble. Very few people would imagine ancient artifacts or long-lost relics from the past. However, oftentimes construction projects reveal surprising things that open a window into history. From medieval swords to ancient fossils, industrial digs have unearthed objects that will captivate your imagination, and we’re here to share them with you. Prepare to be amazed by what lies underneath the surface, here are 10 amazing things found during industrial digs.
1. A sword from the Civil War era.

During a construction job in Little Rock, Arkansas, a team of construction workers uncovered a sword dating to the civil war era. Unfortunately, the sword was taken from the crew and placed in the Historic Arkansas Museum. This artifact provides a fascinating glimpse into life during the civil war. The real question is whether or not it’s still sharp.
2. Prehistoric dinosaur bones found in Texas.

Wylie Brys was just four years old when he found this extraordinary discovery. This little boy from Texas was digging in a construction site with his father to look for fossils, and he found exactly what he was looking for. Wylie uncovered some 100 million-year-old dinosaur bones, which makes him the youngest person to discover a fossil of an unknown dinosaur species. This shows that kids should ditch the sandbox and play in real sand.
3. A Roman-era helmet found in England.

During the excavation of an Iron Age shrine, the Hallaton Helmet was discovered. This artifact had been buried for nearly 2,000 years and was discovered by chance when workers were excavating. The helmet was made of iron and silver but was decorated with beautiful gold. Experts believe it belonged to a high-ranking officer in the Roman army, which opens up an entire world for archaeologists. Who knows, maybe that was the helmet of Maximus Decimus Meridius.
4. WWII bomb unearthed in Florida.

While working on the future site of the Wilton Simpson Technical College, construction workers found a 1,000-pound bomb. Since it was unknown whether the bomb was live or not, they cleared the area to keep everyone safe. After a brief evacuation of the area, bomb disposal experts determined the bomb was inert, or not live. Once the team was sure the bomb was a dud, experts from the MacDill Air Force Base were sent to dispose of the bomb. Imagine going into your construction job for the day and unearthing a massive WWII bomb.
5. The shockingly well-preserved mummy found in New York City.

When a construction crew was working in New York back in 2011, they stumbled upon an amazing historical find and had no idea. While excavating a pit in Queens, the crew hit something odd. Initially, they thought they may have hit a pipe, but upon further inspection, they realized they hit an iron coffin containing a woman’s body. The body was so well preserved, that police initially believed it was the victim of a recent homicide. However, once researchers examined the body, they concluded that the coffin was over 200 years old. The reason they initially believed it was a crime scene was because of the condition of the body, but it was revealed that it was in such great condition because it was sealed in an air-tight iron coffin, which preserved her remains. It’s not every day you stumble across an informational gold mine like this at work.
6. Civil War cannon balls unearthed in Pittsburgh.

While preparing the grounds for a new condominium in Pittsburgh, workers dug up a piece of buried history, a cache of Civil War cannon balls. The discovery of these relics gave some perspective on the area’s involvement in the war, and experts were thrilled to see them still intact. Though found by the construction team, the cannonballs are the property of the army because they are live. The army doesn’t care about finders-keepers.
7. The Roman Temple of Mithras.

In 1954 during construction in Walbrook London, a team discovered the remains of a 2,000-year-old Roman Temple dedicated to the god Mithras. The discovery included a statue of the god Mithras, along with coins, and other Roman artifacts. The discovery was made on the final day of the planned excavation, which means if the team called it early, the most significant event in British archaeological history never would have happened.
8. A Viking grave might be under your house.

In 2020, Mariann Kristiansen made an amazing historical discovery while renovating her house in Norway. While digging for renovations, Kristiansen found a Viking grave, complete with a well-preserved shield, sword, and other artifacts. The grave was likely the final resting place of a warrior from the Viking age. Archaeologists were blown away by this find, as it was in an unexpected residential area. This site provides a unique look into the way Vikings lived and is a rich testament to the history of Norway.
9. The jade burial suit of Prince Liu Sheng.

In 1968, the tomb of Prince Liu Sheng was discovered because a construction unit accidentally blasted into the side of a mountain. He and his wife, Princess Dou Wan were found with two complete jade burial suits. The suits were made from thousands of jade pieces sewn together and often found on the remains of elite individuals. This discovery was astounding because it proved the existence of jade burial suits. Don’t bury me in a normal suit, I need one made completely of jade.
10. 12th century mansion found in Somerset, England.

In 2013, during excavation work for a new housing development in Somerset, workers discovered the foundations of a 12th-century mansion. Unfortunately, archaeologists working on the discovery found no records of the building, even though large estates such as this normally have deeds or other records. The mansion was believed to be owned by a wealthy medieval family, and archaeologists say the house offers a valuable insight into life in the Middle Ages.