Nostalgia is a funny thing. I’m sure if we were back in the times we covet, we would remember all the day to day annoyances that we’ve since forgotten. But the value in it is that we can remember little things that we’ve forgotten or lost that bring back a flood of memories. For a brief moment we get to relive small moments from our pasts.
So talk a stroll down memory lane and see how many of these things you remember, and tell us which of them bring back the fondest memories. We’d love to hear them!
1. Who remembers bath beads?

2. Gina Ekiss, the designer of the Solo Jazz Cup (circa 1990).

3. Who remembers when KitKat was wrapped in aluminum foil?

4. Still the greatest gummy fruit snacks ever.

5. I sure miss the classic McDonald’s breakfast. Remember how the packaging would squeak?

6. Remember when almost everyone had a popcorn maker like the Poppery II?

7. Back when music stores had listening stations.

8. These always felt cozy.

9. Remember the Hot Cakes Changeables Happy Meal toys?

10. Pretty wild that they’re already putting portable CD players in Museums.

11. There was something so much more rewarding about going to a video store compared to streaming.

12. Remember Otter Pops? What color are you choosing?

13. Remember when E-Machines claimed their computers would be “never obsolete”?

14. How did every house have this lamp?

15. “We are Flintstone’s kids, 10 million strong and growing.”

16. Remember when you found out that Silly Putty lifted print off of a newspaper?

17. Remember recording all the good stuff to VHS so you could watch it later?

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