19 Inventive Insults and Comebacks That Left Their Recipients Cooked

The internet’s never been lacking when it comes to clever comebacks and rare insults. There is always going to be someone out there who is ready to devote ungodly amounts of time toward coming up with the most inventive, brutal comeback and/or insult that their mind could’ve possibly have dreamt up. Clever comebacks are their own kind of art form. You don’t want to take things too far, yet you’ve got to put a little bit of heat on that comeback just so whoever is on the receiving end of it, knows where they stand. These clever comebacks are definitely in a league of their own.

1. That sounds like a really messed up thing to do.

u/cinnamonscarlett/via reddit.com

2. A mirror is one of those simple yet ruthless insults.

u/anushg26/via reddit.com

3. Blame your parents for this one.

u/chorthedruid/via reddit.com

4. Who’s more embarrassed though.

u/cleanbreath5170/via reddit.com

5. Where is Sydney Sweeney.

u/sassypants/via reddit.com

6. Unforgettable.

u/psystar/via reddit.com

7. Not even sure where to begin.

u/dude1000/via reddit.com

8. Might inspire genuine laughter.

u/dad07/via reddit.com

9. I think I know that guy.

u/deleted/via reddit.com

10. It’s about creating something better.

u/lawliet3049/via reddit.com

11. Apply cold water to burnt area.

u/nonectarine468/via reddit.com

12. Seriously where’s the logic.

u/ellagleam/via reddit.com

13. Yep, she’s doomed.

u/constantcredit6241/via reddit.com

14. This is a tough one.

u/deleted/via reddit.com

15. At this point, you’re cooked.

u/808i/via reddit.com

16. Well well.

u/shane2018/via reddit.com

17. Dealing with annoying people.

u/boxitup/via reddit.com

18. Adam Driver’s face though.

u/abirdintheksyu/via reddit.com

19. The old dusting brush vacuum attachment trick.

u/careerevery9406/via reddit.com

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