20 Final Photos of Animals Before They Went Extinct

Extinction is the terrible and unfortunate end to a species life. Famous examples of extinct animals are the woolly mammoth, and the saber tooth tiger. But technically speaking, hundreds of species of animals go extinct every 24 hours, and that is an extraordinarily sad statistic. Reasons for extinction include removal of habitat, over-hunting, and plenty more, but the root of the problem is the human race. Here are 20 final photos of animals before they went extinct.

1. Thylacine, 1933.

Final photos of animals before they went extinct - Thylacine in 1933
u/patchadootie/via reddit

2. The Japanese tiger, 1938.

u/lucasgoodwin1999/via reddit

3. Sicilian wolf, 1924.

u/truthisfictionyt/via reddit

4. The Caucasian wisent, 1927.

u/truthisfictionyt/via reddit

5. The Japanese river otter, 1979.

u/wannabe-zoologist/via reddit

6. Guam Kingfisher, 1986.

u/positivesource/via reddit

7. The Northern White Rhino, 2018.

via reddit

8. Japanese Sea Lions, 1934.

u/nodemand1519/via reddit

9. The Quagga, 1873.

u/zek_997/via reddit

10. Caspian Tiger, 1871.

u/hamoxi4254/via reddit

11. Bubal Hartabeest, 1895.

u/breakrules939/via reddit

12. Eurasian Wild Horse, 1884.

u/the_extinctions/via reddit

13. Schomburgk’s Deer, 1932.

u/truthisfictionyt/via reddit

14. Caribbean Monk Seal, 1952.

u/obversa/via reddit

15. The last 2 spotted Golden Toads, 2004.

u/cystidia/via reddit

16. Mosaic-Tailed Rat, 2002.

u/slinkslowdown/via reddit

17. Florida Black Wolf, 1908.

u/_valrik_thesequel/via reddit

18. Western Black Rhino, 2011.

u/oldmoldy/via reddit

19. Kaua’i O’o, 1985.

u/poiboykanaka/via reddit

20. Barbary Lion, 1924.

u/karim2k/via reddit