Modern art is a spectacle that takes a keen person to understand. Not many people see a banana taped to the wall as art, and they shouldn’t. The same way having a person sit in a glass box isn’t art. Some would say that modern art is disgraceful, and we are inclined to agree. Here are 20 terrible modern art pieces you have to see.
1. This was bought at an art auction for 6.2 million.
2. The worst 500k spent by a town, the blue ring.
3. This is just the cover photo for an album.
4. This one is called, ramen in the wall.
5. We’re confused, is the fire extinguisher the art?
6. Would you consider this art?
7. Why, just why?
8. You can tell our brains have gotten smaller.
9. Sure, we guess a pile of sunflower seeds can be art.
10. If this sold for millions, why doesn’t everyone make art like this and sell it?
11. This piece is called green blue black.
12. We call this one, minecraft art.
13. That’s it, time to quit your job and start an art career.
14. Ah yes, how complex.
15. Congrats, you painted a rainbow, you’re just as talented as every ten year old ever.
16. 44 million for this?
17. Sure, make us do all of the work.
18. Think about how much 86 million dollars is, that’s what this sold for.
19. You’d think a seven year old made this, but nope.
20. This sign that says lerp is 18 million dollars.
19 Dumb People Who Prove Stupidity Is Peaking