Liminal spaces are defined as a place or state of transition or uncertainty, where one thing is ending and another is about to begin. Often times it is a place that brings slightly unsettling feelings of familiarity, and also fear. Some theorists believe these places resemble purgatory, and others just believe they are unsettling photos used to scare the surfers of the internet. Regardless, it is interesting that many people get the same feelings when shown these photos. Here are 20 liminal spaces that feel oddly familiar.
1. This has been in my dreams.

2. For some unexplained reason, we don’t like this hallway.

3. Would you swim in here. Definitely the eeriest of the liminal spaces.

4. It’s just so plain.

5. This doesn’t feel safe.

6. Empty malls will always be creepy.

7. This apartment pool is weirdly unsettling.

8. Gas stations at night are surreal.

9. The symmetry of this apartment is creepy.

10. What does this lead to?

11. This is weirdly familiar.

12. Would you swim into that darkness for 1 Million?

13. Tranquil, yet weird.

14. We’d jump in for sure.

15. The worst part is, this is a crematorium.

16. This is an odd hotel.

17. Empty airports will forever remain unsettling.

18. Would you let your child play in here?

19. How do you not get lost everyday in this school?

20. This bingo hall is truly eerie.