18 Mildly Infuriating Images That Will Play Seesaw With Your Tolerance Levels

There are levels to something being infuriating. There are certain things that get under your skin, and then there are other things that get right at the literal bone. With that being said, these mildly infuriating images are teetering on the literal brink of being too infuriating altogether.

1. Hot Wheels losing details over the years.

Mildly infuriating images - Three Hot Wheels cars that show how the cars are losing definition over time
u/daasmusic/via reddit.com

2. Son’s math test.

u/rishlyn/via reddit.com

3. Smell test.

u/crittertreeth/via reddit.com

4. Told the seller I was missing the CTRL key and he sent me this.

u/iamthehottestman/via reddit.com

5. Couldn’t you just have printed the hours on here.

u/tevisla/via reddit.com

6. People are finding mold in KSI’s new lunch product.

u/nodrawing6975/via reddit.com

7. Girlfriend insists on always lighting a candle near dried leaves.

u/legitimaterock5653/via reddit.com

8. The way the utility company restored the pavement after breaking it open.

u/borrell17/via reddit.com

9. What is it even for then.

u/ksherred/via reddit.com

10. When the $400 a night Airbnb refuses to turn the heat up past 58 degrees.

u/golden5starman/via reddit.com

11. One of the 8’s has its own plan.

u/baronofcray/via reddit.com

12. The way this store clerk writes number 9.

u/deleted/via reddit.com

13. Found this in the back of my 3 year old’s counting book.

u/poweringthroughlife/via reddit.com

14. This is what a pound of boneless wings is nowadays.

u/sadfurture12342/via reddit.com

15. When you wait so long for your appointment that the light turns off.

u/goldendragon5687/via reddit.com

16. Headphones just purchased a year ago.

u/karame143/via reddit.com

17. Nice bug in paint there.

u/whichboysenberry/via reddit.com

18. Landlord hired a guy to powerwash the stairs.

u/pigenmann/via reddit.com

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