We’re hard-wired to look for patterns while we do our best to navigate life’s ups and downs. Then, of course the inevitable curveball comes your way, and whatever expectations you had about what might happen for you on that given day, are completely shattered. Sometimes, those unexpected moments are so truly bizarre that you begin to feel like you’re living in a literal matrix. Some “glitches” though are more notable than others. We’ll take a look at some of the craziest coincidences to happen throughout history.
1. The Curse Of Timur
We’ll kick things off with a bang. “The Curse of Timur” occurred on June 19th, 1941. There was a group of anthropologists that were sent out by Stalin, and ended up finding Tamerlan’s grave. When they actually opened the tomb, they discovered an ominous inscription that read, “whoever opens my tomb, shall unleash an invader, even more terrible than myself.” They then removed Tamerlane’s body, and took his body back to Moscow for further research. Literally three days later, Hitler carried out his attack on Russia. Then, in November of 1942, Tamerlane’s body was returned back to its original grave and promptly resealed. This is where it gets real trippy. A few weeks later, the Soviets were then able to claim their victory at Stalingrad, and ultimately begin the process of turning their momentum in the war around for their benefit.
2. Abraham Lincoln’s Son Was Saved By John Wilkes Booth’s Son
Yes, it’s clear. We must live in a matrix. There’s just no other explanation for this. Edwin Booth (the son of John Wilkes Booth) was responsible for saving Abraham Lincoln’s son, Robert Todd Lincoln, from severe injury or even his ultimate demise. The incident took place on a train platform in Jersey City, New Jersey. Talk about some kind of wild redemption arc moment.
3. The Curious Case Of The Balloon And A Couple Laura Buxtons
There was no way that the Laura Buxton responsible for letting a balloon go and head out on its adventure, could’ve known that that very balloon would end up in the possession of another girl that was also named Laura Buxton, and lived about 140 miles away. It gets weirder though. On the day of the actual meeting between the Lauras they were both wearing the same outfit (pink sweater with jeans), were the same height (unusual due to them being tall for their age), and they both had brown hair and three-year-old black Labrador Retrievers at home. Oh, and don’t forget about the gray pet rabbits too. I mean, come, right?
4. J.R.R. Tolkien’s Day Of Death
The legend J.R.R. Tolkien himself had to have peered the behind the veil of existence or something other. Because the infamous quote,”three rings for the elven kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for mortal men doomed to die, and one for the dark lord on his dark throne,” ends up being matched with the day Tolkien passed away (September 2, 1973) if you but switch some of the numbers around.
5. The Newton Vs. Leibniz Calculus Beef
Who could’ve seen this one coming? Certainly not Isaac Newton. Nor Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz for that matter. Infinitesimal calculus was developed in the late 17th century by Isaac Newton. Oh, at the same time it was also developed by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, while they were entirely independent of each other. A passionate argument ensued and continued until the death of Leibniz in 1716.
6. The Robert Fallon Poker Game
Back in 1858 a man named Robert Fallon was shot and killed while he was playing poker because he had cheated. Fallon then ended up winning $600. Those winnings were looked at as being very unlucky and nobody wanted it. Then though, the winnings ended up being handed off to a new player who had taken Fallon’s place. This player turned that $600 into $2,200. When the police ended up arriving they demanded the return of the original $600 to be passed on to Fallon’s next of kin. Hold up. Time out. It turns out that Fallon’s son was actually the new player. He hadn’t seen his father in seven years. How about that?
7. Lightning Had It Out For Walter Summerford
A man named Walter Summerford was first struck by lightning in 1918. Then, six years later, in 1924, he was struck yet again by lightning. Another six years down the road in 1930, he was stuck by lightning again. Seriously, no rest for the wicked. Then, Summerford passed away in 1932. However, four years later (so but six years following his last lightning strike), Summerford’s gravestone was struck by lightning. Sheesh, let the man be.
8. Joseph Figlock The Guardian Angel
Back in 1938 a baby ended up falling out of a 4th floor window, yet onto a man who was sweeping the street. This man’s name was Joseph Figlock. Both the baby and Figlock were injured, but survived. Then, about a year later another baby fell onto Figlock, who was busy doing his job. This baby also was injured, but survived. It seems like Figlock might’ve missed his true calling.
9. The Jim Twins
This has the makings of a new Netflix show. There were two twins. Both twins were named “Jim” by their respective foster parents. They were both sought out for Law Enforcement training. Both twins had wives named Linda. Both twins were very skilled in mechanical drawing and carpentry. One twin named his child “James Alan.” The other twin named his child “James Allan.” Both twins left their wives Linda for women that were named “Betty.” Both twins had dogs named Tony. So yes, we live in the matrix.
10. Morgan Robertson’s Prophetic Short Story
Oh boy, Morgan Robertson was tapped into some kind of frequency. Robertson’s short story was published in 1898. The story was about the huge luxury passenger liner that ended up striking an iceberg while it was crossing the North Atlantic, and sunk with a huge loss of life. The ship was classified as being unsinkable, and as a result had been carrying a terribly low supply of lifeboats for both the passengers and the crew. Ready for it? The ship was named Titan. Pretty dang close there, Robertson.