Woodworking is the craft of shaping, carving, and assembling wood in a decorative manner. It’s truly amazing to see someone carve an entire animal out of a piece of wood, and just as amazing to see a perfectly crafted table. Here are 20 woodworking creations that are truly astonishing.
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1. This ceiling is absolutely unbelievable.
This is absolutely one of those instances where it’s easier said than done. You’d be very surprised at just how often people’s DIY attempts can go terribly awry.
2. This handmade violin is so intricate.
Seriously. And just imagine what kinds of beautiful music it must make as well.
3. This cutting board is comprised of 157 pieces of wood.
Now that’s not your typical cutting board that you see every day. Nope, not at all.
4. Imagine how long it takes to make all of those carvings.
For some, it’s fair to say that this might end up taking a solid lifetime. At least.
5. A hot sauce rack, in the shape of a flame, genius.
This seems like a brand deal waiting to happen. It’s just too befitting.
6. This may be the coolest kitchen we’ve ever seen.
No kidding. This kitchen isn’t messing around in the slightest.
7. These stairs were hand crafted.
We just want to understand what that even implies? Seriously, pondering over how one could handcraft something like this in the first place.
8. Check out how amazing this door is.
This door looks heavy duty and ready for battle.
9. This garage door is worth a fortune.
Honestly, not all that surprised. You could definitely say this garage door is as interesting as it is strange. And that’s nothing but a good thing.
10. This guitar is going to play some heavenly music.
Yes, this guitar does seem to possess an ethereal quality to it. As if you wouldn’t be all too shocked to find this guitar in an amazing musicians hands.
11. Alright where do you buy this lamp?
The real question is how they got this lamp to stay together in the first place.
12. I wonder who lives up in this room.
Clearly, some kind of mythical being lives up there. There’s no question about it.
13. This is all carved into the wood.
Now this is just plain old cool, man.
14. This architect knew what he was doing.
Not only did the architect clearly know what they were doing. They also plain old nailed it.
15. You win best dad ever if you build this treehouse.
Seriously. This dad went above and beyond.
16. This dresser must cost a fortune.
You can just tell that the dresser costs a pretty penny. The color gradient and the texturing alone.
17. Another staircase for the books.
These staircases just won’t let up. Seriously impressive stuff.
18. Would you hang this above your doorway?
Honestly, yes. There’s something incredibly regal about that bear.
19. Where do I sign?
This very well might be our favorite staircase of them all.
20. Someone created this with a chainsaw.
This eagle is not playing any games. Imagine being able to have this perched in your front yard. Pretty dang cool.