Jimmy Buffett, born December 25, 1946, lived until September 1, 2023. You’ve probably heard mention of this famous American singer-songwriter before. Buffett’s infamous for his iconic tropical rock sound, as well as the persona that accompanied it. Buffett went on to record a multitude of hit songs, and some of those included, “Margaritaville”, “A Pirate Looks at Forty”, and “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes.” Of the over 30 albums that Buffett ended up releasing, eight of those were able to achieve certified gold status, and then nine are certified platinum or multi-platinum by the RIAA. We’ll take a look at some of the most memorable quotes that Jimmy Buffett left behind.
1. On wrinkles
“Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been.”
2. On seeing the good side
“It takes no more time to see the good side of life than it takes to see the bad.”
3. On wisdom
“Older and wiser voices can help you find the right path, if you are only willing to listen.”
4. On life’s journey
“Searching is half the fun: life is much more manageable when thought of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party.”
5. On indecision
“Indecision may or may not be my problem.”
6. On humor
“Humor has bailed me out of more tight situations than I can think of. If you go with your instincts and keep your humor, creativity follows. With luck, success comes, too.”
7. On mentioning age
“I hate to mention age, but I come from an era when we weren’t consumed by technology and television.”
8. On leisure time
“To describe my scarce leisure time in today’s terms, I always default to reading.”
9. On old ballparks
“These old ballparks are like cathedrals in America. We don’t have big old Gothic cathedrals like they do in Europe. But we got baseball parks.”
10. On the summer job mentality
“I still consider it a summer job, though. So, I try to maintain that summer job as long as I can. But it’s exciting to be able to have the opportunity to do things I always dreamed of as a kid.”
11. On the state of the music industry
“There’s something missing in the music industry today, and it’s music. Songs you hear don’t last, it’s just product fed to you by the industry.”
12. On a writer’s inspiration
“And you find as a writer there are certain spots on the planet where you write better than others, and I believe in that. And New Orleans is one of them.”
13. On instinct
“Instinct taught me 20 years ago to pace a song or a concert performance. That translates into pacing a story, pleasing a reading audience.”
14. On moderation
“Moderation is the key so I work certain amount of time and then I take a certain amount of time off.”
15. On quitting
“Quitting doesn’t enter my mind.”
16. On overthinking
“People who think too much before they act don’t act too much.”
17. On laughter
“If I couldn’t laugh I just would go insane, If we couldn’t laugh we just would go insane, If we weren’t all crazy we would go insane.”
18. On a loyal fan base
“It’s been wonderful for me, and I feel so privileged to have fans that are that loyal.”
19. On things not working out
“If it doesn’t work out there will never be any doubt that the pleasure was worth all the pain.”