Life can be its own kind of difficult, occasionally harrowing, and every now and again beautiful journey. You just never really know what’s coming around the corner. All you can do though is meet those obstacles with stubborn fortitude and acceptance. With that being said, these are some of people’s all-time favorite life hacks that are also vaguely unethical.
1. The free trials hack

“I use multiple email addresses to continuously take advantage of free trials, extending use of paid services.” – u/laceyrup
2. The train ticket hack

“Buying two train tickets when going somewhere. One non-refundable and one fully refundable next to each other. Cancelling the fully refundable ticket 2 min before departure, always leaving you with an empty seat.” – u/beckybye
3. Finding people’s jobs

“Use the property tax administrator website for your local government to look up the names of people who live near you and find out what they do for a living or other info by googling their names.” – u/degawkel
4. The hotel deals hack

“My wife and I just got back from our honeymoon. We let places know everywhere we went and got all kinds of special deals and bells and whistles. Hotels upgraded us to nicer rooms at no additional cost. Nobody once fact checked us lol. Makes us want to lie about this on future vacations.” – u/foresight2020
5. The credit reporting agencies hack

“Credit reporting agencies aren’t staffed enough to handle all of the error reports they get from people. They by law have to either look into it or drop the item from your report. You can get things removed by just repeatedly reporting things as errors until you end up in the drop it stack. I haven’t needed this but I’ll use it if I ever do.” – u/audacious1002
6. Long distance driving hack

“If I’m driving long distances alone, and I need breakfast, coffee or to use the bathroom, I stop at a hotel off the highway. Holiday Inn, Fairfield Inn, etc usually have free breakfast and coffee and clean empty bathrooms. Just walk in like I’m a guest, grab what I need, and walk out and hit the road.” – u/lesshonkytonkey
7. The free sunglasses hack

“Lose your sunglasses? Go to a hotel and say you left them in your room and can you see the lost and found, please.” – u/vaguelyfamiliarvlice
8. The Uber Eats hack

“I used multiple emails to get $30 of free stuff on Uber Eats. I just logged into an account, waited a few days, and ordered my free food.” – u/thedoglover89
9. The large party catering trick

“Go to Chipotle or a similar establishment and tell them you’re catering a large party. They’ll give you a lot of food at a discounted price. You can then freeze it and now you have cheap meal prep for the next two weeks.” – u/praisejeebus
10. Always getting free parking

“Never pay for parking. Go to the gate. Hit the button for help and tell them you forgot your wallet. It’s not worth their time in order for you to find a way to pay while you hold up the line to exit. More often than not. They’ll just open the gate without saying a word.” – u/reasonablepoet345
11. Nailing the three day weekend

“Book all your dental and doctors appointments for Fridays or Mondays to guarantee a 3 day weekend.” – u/doctorsndentists
12. The extra condiments hack

“Ask for extra condiments at the pickup window. Saying you forgot to order extra and then hold out a credit card to pay for it. You get it for free because it is a pain for the employee to let you pay for it.” – u/dirtymoney98
13. Showing up to jury duty late

“Purposely show up to jury duty 30 mins late. In my area they give jurors a number based on when they showed up. They call jurors by number. So if you’re 26 out of a jury pool of 27 you are unlikely to get seated for jury.” – u/bostonfigpudding
14. The old spark plug trick

“I’ve been known to pull a spark plug in my car while tailgating. Call AAA after the game and have them tow me home.” – u/sparfklw