15 Creations That Prove How Scary Humans Can Be

It’s dangerously easy to underestimate how dangerous humans can be. While a brilliant mind can end up giving life to inventions that serve to better society, it can just as easily result in truly mortifying inventions. We’ll take a look at some of the creations that prove how frightening human beings can end up being.

1. The bioweapon that attacks myelin sheaths

u/mediimage3d/via youtube.com

“There is a bioweapon invented in the former USSR that essentially tricks the body into attacking the myelin sheaths around neurons. So somebody thought of a way to essentially give people MS as a weapon.” – u/mr_lumbergh

2. The literal Doomsday device

u/darkdocs/via youtube.com

“That Project Pluto was even considered is just appalling. It was to be a cruise missile that used a nuclear engine, after flying to the Soviet Union and dropping its payload of nuclear bombs, it would fly back and forth over populated areas, spewing radiation and poisoning the land while using its sonic shockwave as a weapon against the populace.” – u/zerobeat

3. Listerine, surprisingly

“Listerine was sold as a floor cleaner before they tried it out as mouth wash.” – u/odd_nickname

4. Meat processing plants

“My vote goes to meat processing plants. Poultry, pork, beef, take your pick. The scale and mechanical callousness of the process really shows the depth of human cruelty and dehumanization.” – u/officeland

5. The spear

u/insider/via youtube.com

“The spear. It’s a simple weapon that can be used by almost anyone. It’s so deadly and simple if you’re good enough you can fight almost any animal and kill them with just the simple spear.” – u/thatcoolguy49

6. Nerve agents

u/aparchive/via youtube.com

“Nerve Agents. The very science of biological destruction.” – u/infamousclown

7. A miniature black hole

u/thesecretsoftheuniverse/via youtube.com

“Scientists have once created a miniature black hole in a lab. If they mess it up we are all just toast, and there is no way of escaping.” – u/aquietplace

8. Nuclear Weapons

u/thenoblepeaceprice/via youtube.com

“Nuclear weapons, hands down. And most people don’t even fully grasp how insanely destructive they are.” – u/noimpactnoidea_

9. The internet

u/vox/via youtube.com

“The internet. A tool meant to connect us, yet it has birthed the darkest corners of humanity, where empathy goes to die and anonymity fuels our worst instincts. We created a space where kindness is optional, and cruelty is just a click away.” – u/big_assumption_9061

10. Modern war drones

u/thewallstreetjournal/via youtube.com

“There are plenty of weapons that are horrible, but the latest creation of drones spewing molten metal is horrifying.” – u/cosmicloafter

11. Tiny human brains created in labs

u/teded/via youtube.com

“We’re currently growing tiny, conscious, human brains and using them for computation. So that’s messed up.” – u/ocdimprovingwriter

12. Long Range Acoustic Devices

u/leeandrew/via youtube.com

“Long range acoustic devices have been known to be pretty effective and terrifying for those exposed to them, sonic weapons in general really.” – u/aggravatingbee9131

13. The Particle Accelerator

u/teded/via youtube.com

“The particle accelerator, because of the fact that humans have somehow learned how to handle and gather subatomic particles and smash them together causing newer more volatile particle creation.” – u/munchinhero

14. The Nuclear Submarine

u/aitelly/via youtube.com

“The nuclear submarine. This was truly one of the few inventions where we didn’t have an animal to mimic. This behemoth of a vehicle can stay underwater for months at extremely deep levels. It’s powered by a reactor that splits the atom. It holds missiles that used the stars to target anywhere in the world and wipe it off the map.” – u/workingman89

15. Flamethrowers

u/simplehistory/via youtube.com

“Flamethrowers. They’re just plain old ruthless.” – u/deleted09

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