20 People Who Blatantly Lied Online For No Reason

Everyone has lied once or twice in their life. Whether or not it was a serious lie, is up to the people you told it to. It’s more personal to lie to someone like a friend or family member, but what kind of maniacal person would go online and lie to a bunch of strangers? Is it that they need some love from random people, or is their ego so big that they need respect from other people? Whichever the case is, here are 20 people who blatantly lied online.

1. This Grandma is a savage.

u/italiangreyhounds/via reddit

2. Terry doesn’t put up with the lies.

u/beerbellybegone/via reddit

3. ‘This fact is journalistic malpractice.’

Via reddit

4. Rural America is not a truck stop.

u/jaytix1/via reddit

5. That was easy.

u/ehrahbass/via reddit

6. Please collect your Nobel Prize.

u/nomaddd79/via reddit

7. John Carpenter is not dead Rotten Tomatoes.

u/rebel_wo_a_clause/via reddit

8. This is just sad.

u/quirkywolfie/via reddit

9. Mark got straight to the point.

u/phenominalpancake/via reddit

10. Well look what we have here.

u/bq22_/via reddit

11. ‘Actually I have two sisters.

u/_testep/via reddit

12. Merriam-Webster had to shut this guy down real quick.

via reddit

13. Serial liars are a force to be reckoned with.

u/italiangreyhounds/via reddit

14. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll know how to fish.

via reddit

15. It’s the swear to god bit that really makes this one gold.

u/yayforanxiety/via reddit

16. How did they think this would turn out?

u/nyknac/via reddit

17. Just look at that adorable little fur ball.

via reddit

18. Stolen valor is genuinely sad.

via reddit

19. The title and story here really contradict one another.

u/embracingparadox/via reddit

20. All jokes aside, that tailgate must have been a blast.

u/valuedbongo/via reddit