15 Cursed Items That People Swear Are Possessed by Evil Spirits

Sometimes, we get an odd feeling about specific objects in our house. Maybe if you picked something up at an old antique store, or inherited an old item, it gave you some really creepy feeling in your gut you couldn’t trust. Well you’re not alone. Whether it was a painting causing multiple fires, or an item causing a family’s misfortune, these items definitely have some negative energy attached to them. Here are 15 items people swear contained evil.

1. Someone’s having a bad Halloween.

u/7stringsleepy/via reddit

“I lightly cursed two pumpkins that I had placed in front of my door in my apartment complex. I found the cutest two little pumpkins and I did not want people to steal them, so I put a little curse in them. I guess curse maybe isn’t the right word? But somebody stole one of them a couple days ago and now all I can think about is what my evil mini pumpkin is doing to them lol.” – u/bbomrty

2. A cursed safety pin brought this family bad luck.

u/2chugjugs/via reddit

“Hi, So recently me and my family have been plagued with misfortune, aka I got really sick, my mom broke her leg and had to have a surgery and more. My mom swore it was like someone cursed us. Today, my mom found this safety pin with this weird jewel in her shirt, which she never put there. It kinda reminded us of the evil eye symbol but it was black, bumpy with two white dots. We’re not sure what to make of it yet since usually finding safety pins brings luck but this one just felt ‘wrong’, we now threw it and the shirt away and did some blessings and lit candles but still worry about it.” – u/girlgoneblonde

3. This poor guy’s ex made a voodoo doll of him.

u/thelazypurplewizard/via reddit

“I had a hex put on me from my ex girlfriend who’s roommate was a voodoo practitioner, she had a little doll of me made with hair she stole from me and everything. After about three months, she came clean because she felt really bad, we had to go to a cemetery where she buried it and undig it up (it was apparently important that I do it), then she gave me the doll and I hiked up deep in the woods and buried it under rocks under a waterfall to cleanse it and return it to nature, so to speak.” – u/Frater_Ankara

4. This bracelet bead won’t leave this person alone.

u/kitty-bites/via reddit

“I made a bracelet about 4 years ago when I was in a very strange mental place. I’ve worn it every day and it’s become an almost spiritual item as it was created under the command of said deity. One day it broke, so I collected all the beads and remade it. Now, here’s the thing. The bracelet is an alternating pattern, and when I first made it I messed it up. When fixing it, I removed one bead to make the pattern even and then threw it out. For the past few months (about 6 months now), this discarded bead has been showing up in front of me everywhere. I keep throwing it out, but it keeps coming back. I know it’s the same bead because of a specific scratch I etched into it when I first made it. I’m calling it the clingy bead now.” – u/teeth-and-g0re

5. Don’t bring this cursed book in from your library.

u/acceptable_top6948/via reddit

“I am a solitary practitioner, and have been studying occult and esoteric knowledge for well over 15 years now. The Lesser and Greater Key of Solomon, regardless of translation, has been hailed as a cursed book. I am wanting to add it to my collection, but as I am a mother and wary of bringing cursed objects into my home, wanted to ask if any others happen to have this book, or are familiar with its history. What are your experiences, thoughts, opinions? I am versed in warding, casting, and expelling curses, and right now do not have the energy to expel and ward a curse as I am stretched pretty thin at the moment.”

6. Tarot cards are communicating with demons.

via reddit

“Tonight, I was doing reading with the traditional Rider-Waithe deck. Sometimes before the reading, I ask Spirit to confirm they are “present” or listening. I normally receive a response through 44, 444, or 111 (111 is how Spirit responds “yes” to me). This night, I received the response 111 (3 of Wands), and the devil card. I thought, that’s weird as I normally receive the previously mentioned cards and messages. I removed the cards and I asked, is this the devil? I received the response 111 (3 of Cups). I removed the card and asked again, as I was in disbelief. The response I received was the devil card, again.” – u/cammieam

7. The cursed hope diamond.

u/conjuring1990/saucyfingers/via reddit

“Evalyn Walsh was born in a Colorado mining camp but her prospects changed dramatically when her father discovered a goldmine when she was 12. Ten years later, she married Ned McLean, heir to the Washington Post. With so much wealth and access to the powerful, their marriage started off well. But in January 1911, her new husband purchased the Hope Diamond for her. Their charmed life began to change. He bought it in 1911. Son died hit by a car when crossing the street in 1919. He had a mental break in the 1930s and died of a heart attack in 1942 in a psych ward. Daughter overdosed on sleeping pills at 24 after being married to a senator in his 50s when she was 19. The other 2 sons apparently lived playboy but uneventful lives. The wife who it was bought for died in her 60s.” – u/conjuring1990, u/shwaga

8. Don’t mess with Robert The Doll.

u/sublimesloth/via reddit

“Long story short, my friend’s sister went to the Robert the Doll exhibit in Key West and didn’t believe the curse. Apparently, flicked it off and took a photo without asking permission. Started having terrible luck, photos messed up, eerie feelings of being watched, etc. This photo was taken after a conversation talking about how she felt that Robert was following her and had something to do with her string of bad luck. Someone jokingly took the photo after invoking Roberts name to see what would happen. 100% real and not photoshopped. She immediately wrote a letter apologizing to the doll the next day. Nightmare fuel. I’ve had this photo for years and show it every time the topic of ghosts come up. Would love if someone could find a rational or scientific explanation but extremely paranormal.” – u/SublimeSloth

9. The anguished man painting is pure horror.

u/pyro00/via reddit

“The Anguished Man is a self-portrait painted with the artist’s own blood mixed into the paint. He took his own life shortly after painting it and allegedly the painting is haunted by his spirit.” u/pyro00

10. The infamous Annabelle doll.

u/thegamingmethodist/via reddit

“This is the real doll that The Conjuring and Annabelle movies are based off of. It’s said to be haunted with a backstory dating to the 1970s. The actual doll is located in Ed and Lorraine Warren’s Occult Museum in Monroe, Connecticut.” – u/TheGamingMethodist

11. Dybbuk boxes contain curses, or so they say.

u/dmans99/via reddit

“Went to the museum last week. They now have the dybbuk sealed in an air tight glass case surrounded by sage with I believe a thick layer of sea salt. The sage is molding which it’s not supposed to do so very well could be darkly affected. (The) glass case is also encased by another wood and glass covering with Hebrew protection spells engraved in the glass. There is a table in the corner of the room full of money, jewelry, and many drivers licenses that people leave as offerings if you wish to.” – u/DanesterLG

12. This crying boy photo caused dozens of houses to burn down.

u/rickygervais/christinathenothuman/via reddit

“Interesting to see, as ever, according to articles/fire service reports, the painting was finished with cheap but fire retardant varnish, and held on the wall by cheap but flammable string. So in a fire the string burned off, the painting falls on the floor face down which protects it along with the varnish, fire burns everything else, the intact painting is found in the ruins.” – via reddit

13. I’d probably say ditch the statues.

u/mindful_optimistic/via reddit

“I was heading into the shower. I started thinking about the two statues I purchased for Hecate and Aphrodite, wondering if it would be disrespectful to worship more than one deity. I’ve wanted to start working with a few, Hermes and Athena are on my list as well because I’ve felt called to them. I was thinking of posting and asking if it’s allowed for me to be a devotee to more than one God and Goddess. Sometimes I’ll hear little words/phrases in my head and kind of chant them just for fun. It could be anything, but random little words or phrases pop into my head and I’ll kind of chant them in my mind and make little songs out of them. I’ve done this since I was a child. I heard, whatever path you’re on, make it a pantheon. I didn’t even know what a pantheon was, this phrase just popped into my head and it was super catchy so I kept playing it in my head, chanting it, making a song by adding a little tune to it in my head. I even said it out loud a couple times because it was so catchy.” – u/starbycrit

14. The gold of Tolosa was mysteriously lost at sea.

via reddit

“The value of the Gold of Tolosa was enormous. At current prices the cache of gold and silver would be worth over $10 billion. It was supposedly discovered in the countryside near current-day Tolouse, France, in 105 AD, and was allegedly the remnants of loot stolen from the temple of the Oracle at Delphi. It was lost on the way to Rome in scandalous circumstances.” – u/numquamsolus

15. The kooh-i-noor diamond is not a good luck charm.

u/havvocck2/via reddit

“The Koh-i-Noor Diamond is a 186 carat diamond with a curse affecting only men. According to folklore, a Hindu description of the diamond warns that he who owns this diamond will own the world, but will also know all its misfortunes. Only God or woman can wear it with impunity.” – via reddit