20 Scary Yet Stunning Fresh Water Monsters That We Saw This Week

Swimming in unknown waters is always scary. You never know if there’s leaches, or something much more terrifying in the water with you. We’re here to show you what might be lurking below you. Here are 20 river monsters that are sure to make you think twice about swimming anywhere other than a pool.

1. Piranhas

A large silver fish swims in an aquarium with clear water. Two small potted plants sit at the bottom of the tank, with some green leaves extending upward. The background is a blurred view of the tank's structure.
u/piranhaswithattitude/via reddit

2. Sawfish

A large sawfish is lying on a sandy seafloor. The fish has a distinct lengthy, flat snout edged with teeth, resembling a saw blade. Sunlight filtering through the water creates a blue hue and dappled patterns on the sandy substrate.
u/am_snek_lady/via reddit

3. Giant Freshwater Stingray

Three men are kneeling in shallow water, holding a large fishing net containing an enormous stingray. The stingray spans nearly the entire width of the net and lays flat on the water's surface. The background features a concrete wall and various fishing equipment.

4. Buffalo Leeches

A person holding three large, shiny leeches over a dark towel. The leeches are dark green with a glossy appearance, and they are all resting across both of the person's forearms and hands. A laptop is partially visible in the bottom right corner.
u/mozchops/via reddit

5. Ribbon Worms

This image shows two close-up views of a hand with a peculiar object emerging from it. On the left, a red, fleshy, branching structure is seen hanging from the palm. On the right, a similar but white, vein-like structure appears to be extending from the wrist.

6. Giant Isopods

A person holds a large, unusual marine creature in an indoor setting. The creature has multiple legs, a segmented shell, and prominent antennae. It appears to be an isopod, displayed with its underside facing the camera.
u/lapis-lad/via reddit

7. Wolffish

A large fish with its mouth wide open is lying on a wooden dock. The fish has a pointed snout and prominent teeth. The background shows rocky terrain and some vegetation.
u/dannadin/via reddit

8. Goliath Tiger Fish

A person holds a large predatory fish with a wide-open mouth revealing long, sharp teeth. The fish has a mottled pattern on its scales and large eyes. The person is partially visible, wearing a gray shirt, and standing near a rocky, muddy waterbody.
u/elpollopayaso/via reddit

9. Giant River Otter

A giant otter lies on a large log in the middle of dense vegetation. The otter has a sleek, brown body, with a distinct white patch on its throat. Its head is turned slightly to the side, and it appears relaxed in its natural habitat.
via reddit

10. Nile Crocodiles

A large crocodile is lying on the grass with its mouth slightly open, while a person in a black tank top crouches behind it. The background features trees and greenery under a bright sky.
u/napoleonlover978/via reddit

11. Anacondas

A large snake, possibly an anaconda, stretches across a grassy area next to a concrete structure. The sky above is overcast, and there are fields and buildings visible in the background.
u/craignog/via reddit

12. Vampire Fish

A person holds a large fish with sharp, pointed teeth in front of the camera. The fish's mouth is wide open, displaying its teeth prominently. The background shows a serene outdoor setting with water and trees in soft focus.
u/beoutdoorscanada/via reddit

13. Candiru (Most Feared Fish)

A slender, elongated fish with a slightly flattened body and small fins is pictured against a light background. The fish has barbels near its mouth and a pale color with darker spots along its sides.

14. Kaluga (2000 Lbs)

A person in a red and white striped shirt and jeans kneels next to a large tank filled with several big fish inside an indoor facility. The person is leaning over the tank and looking at the fish swimming in the dark water.
u/proper-sock4721/via reddit

15. Goonch Catfish

A person standing in waist-deep water, holding a large, flat-headed fish with wide fins. The rocky terrain and cliffs are visible in the background under sunny weather. The person has a smile on their face, and the fish appears to be almost as big as the person.
u/bongrips4lyfe/via reddit

16. African Lungfish

A close-up of a large fish with a wide, flat body and a rounded head, resting on a rocky, gravelly substrate. The fish has small eyes and a slightly open mouth, and is positioned against a backdrop of underwater rocks.
u/plsgibfood/via reddit

17. Nile Perch

Two smiling individuals stand knee-deep in water beside a boat, holding a massive fish together. The sun shines brightly, and there is lush greenery around the water's edge. One person is shirtless and the other wears red shorts. Both seem to be enjoying the moment.
u/palana/via reddit

18. Alligator Gar

A person crouches in shallow, muddy water next to a large, elongated fish with an extended snout filled with sharp teeth. The fish is almost the length of the person, with prominent scales and a reddish tail. The background shows murky water and a muddy bank.
u/dave21071/via reddit

19. Speartooth River Shark

A shark with a streamlined gray body and prominent dorsal fin swims gracefully in dark waters. Below it, a few other fish with rough, scaled bodies are visible. The scene is dimly lit, highlighting the shark as the central figure.
u/babylon_dude/via reddit

20. Giant Lamprey

A gloved hand is holding a lamprey, an eel-like fish. The image focuses on the lamprey's round, suction-cup mouth, which is lined with multiple rows of sharp teeth. The glove is white and knitted, providing a clear contrast to the lamprey's brownish body.
u/spooksjar/via reddit