17 Pics of Potential Time Travelers Caught On Their Journeys

It would be nothing short of spectacular to live long enough to see how something as wild as time traveling would impact the world. Would it throw us all into a tailspin of chaos and broken timelines? Or would people try to band together to use time traveling in a “practical” way to accomplish true good? There’s no telling what would happen. However, these trippy pics suggest that there could be some potential time travelers out there already making waves across the fabric of time.

1. “This photo from a museum caught Nick Offerman time traveling.”

A smartphone displays an image of a man with brown hair, a mustache, and a blue shirt. Next to the phone, there is an old black-and-white photo of a man with a similar mustache, wearing winter gear and holding a rifle.
u/squatch43/via reddit.com

2. “Justin Timberlake’s been around longer than he gets credit for.”

A sepia-toned portrait of a man from the 19th century. He is seated and wearing a formal suit with a vest, high-collared shirt, and tie. He has a serious expression, short hair, and a full beard with a mustache. His right arm rests across his lap.
u/ohsopoor/via reddit.com

3. “Spot the time traveling hipster.”

A black and white photo depicting a crowd of people, most wearing hats and coats, gathered outdoors next to a row of cars. In the background, there are rural buildings. The mood appears festive or communal. The photograph gives a vintage, mid-20th century feel.
u/infinitegamer/via reddit.com

4. “Maggie Gyllenhaal teaching a class back in 1955.”

A teacher stands beside a chalkboard with children seated in front. The board reads, "Making History. We are among the first children ever to be given Polio Shots. So we are really making History today. We are lucky." The scene dates to April 19, 1955.
u/deleted/via reddit.com

5. “Alec Baldwin went back to become president.”

A black and white historical photograph of an older man seated in a formal wooden chair. He has white hair and sideburns and is wearing a dark suit with a vest, white shirt, and bow tie. The background features a draped curtain and part of a wooden cabinet or table.
u/sailrjam/via reddit.com

6. “About the inventor of the electronic television.”

Screenshot of a Reddit thread. A user named liarandathief shares a YouTube link and caption "And here it is." Another user named thanatosssassin comments about someone predicting future tech advancements 63 years ago, including 4K screens, increased bandwidth, and improved cameras.
u/fwar/via reddit.com

7. “A Victorian Dax Shepard.”

A daguerreotype photograph of a young man with long, dark hair and a distinctive beard. He is wearing a formal suit with a high-collared shirt, waistcoat, and a cravat. The photo is set in an ornate gold frame with intricate detailing.
u/slow-moving-sloth/via reddit.com

8. “Reese Witherspoon in a Jazz club in Copenhagen in 1952.”

A black and white photo shows a lively dance scene from the 1950s or 60s. A woman and a man are dancing energetically in the center of a crowd of onlookers, who are clapping and cheering. The dancers and the crowd are dressed in vintage attire typical of the era.
u/dahlgfaard/via reddit.com

9. “My great great great grandfather looks like Freddie Mercury.”

Sepia-toned portrait of a man with a thick mustache and short hair, wearing a suit with a tie and collared shirt. The background is plain, enhancing the vintage appearance of the image.
u/galaxyjellyfish/via reddit.com

10. “This gas station full of DeLoreans.”

A group of DeLorean cars with gull-wing doors open are parked in rows at a gas station. Several people are seen around the cars, and some are working on them. The sky is overcast, and the surrounding area includes buildings and trees.
u/moopel/via reddit.com

11. “A time traveling customer paid with a series 1934 $100 bill.”

Two U.S. $100 bills are displayed side by side on a wooden surface. The top bill is a modern design with a large portrait of Benjamin Franklin and security features, while the bottom bill is an older design with a smaller portrait and a more prominent "The United States of America" text.
u/ajlovestech/via reddit.com

12. “A time traveler on their phone in LA.”

A black-and-white photo shows a street corner with a drugstore named "The Owl Drug Co." The storefront displays various items. A man in a suit and hat uses a payphone, while a woman stands nearby holding a newspaper. There is an old traffic signal with the word "GO.
u/cabeachgal/via reddit.com

13. “VP Charles Dawes and Actor Marc Jackson.”

A black-and-white historical portrait of an older man in a suit and tie is shown next to a color photograph of a younger man with short hair, wearing a bow tie and a suit jacket.
u/ms_evilgenius/via reddit.com

14. “Pompey the Great and Dustin Hoffman are the same.”

On the left, an ancient Roman bust with a solemn expression. On the right, an older man in a suit with gray hair and a slight smile against a green background.
u/scribblvr/via reddit.com

15. “Mark Zuckerberg was a medieval composer.”

A sepia-toned image of a historical man with curly hair and a high collar, set against a page of text. The man is facing to the right side. The text around the image is mostly illegible but seems to be part of an article or a book.
u/pineappleclean/via reddit.com

16. “Pretty sure Jason Segel is my great, great grandfather.”

A sepia-toned vintage photograph of a man and a woman sitting side by side. The man, on the left, is wearing a suit and tie with a serious expression. The woman, on the right, is in a long-sleeved dress with lace details, also looking serious. The background is plain.
u/_russell/via reddit.com

17. “Patrick Stewart clearly spotted back in 1484.”

A detailed stone sculpture depicts two men in conversation. The man on the left has curly hair and a beard, holding a piece of fabric. The man on the right is bald with a craggy face. Other figures surround them, wearing robes and expressions of attentiveness.
u/cookingman/via reddit.com

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