20 Times People Were So Specific It Was Awkward

Sometimes when we’re venting on social media, there’s no way to tell who we are secretly venting about. But some people are so oddly specific that you can narrow down the specific day, person, and time they are talking about. Here are 20 internet weirdos who were way too specific.

1. That’s One Way To Be Remembered

Two social media posts: The first post by “just-shower-thoughts” says, “It only takes three generations for you to be basically forgotten.” The second post by “patternsinnoise” replies, “Tell that to my great great uncle, who is the reason that it's illegal to drive a tractor while drunk in the state of Kansas.”
u/northdingo126/via reddit

2. “Increasing The Size Of My Cranium”

A tweet shows a person with glasses and a noticeably enlarged forehead. The tweet reads: "renting and returning ten books a day from my local library while subtlety increasing the size of my cranium with latex and makeup until they say something.
u/lestaz_/via reddit

3. Owen Is On To Something

A tweet by user "owen cyclops" with their handle "@owenbroadcast." The tweet reads: "the bad guy in hallmark movies is a boyfriend who is like 'uh no babe i cant drop everything + leave work this weekend im about to close a deal for ten million dollars that will set us up for life' and the good guy is a guy who is just standing there when she gets to her hometown." The user's profile picture features a cartoon of a person with a green beanie and a black shirt.
u/sassylila/via reddit

4. Who Would Say No To Your Antique Frog?

A tweet by user @ItsDanSheehan comments on homeowners associations (HOAs): "The fact that homeowners associations exist is wild to me. You buy an entire house and some lady a couple doors down can tell you that you're not allowed to display your antique frog statuette and you have to pay a fine? Insane.
u/kevmonrey/via reddit

5. I Think You’re The Only One Who’s Had This Experience

A tweet from @steak_ham reads: "Back when I was a kid you didn’t need Joe Rogan. Your best friend had a 27 year-old brother who was a f****** loser who would hang out in a room with blacklight posters and tell you that the Mayans invented cell phones.

6. We Need The Rest Of This Essay

A tweet by Janel Comeau (@VeryBadLlama) reads: "if Thanos' snap killed 50% of all life, that means that the survivors would have lost 50% of their gut biomes in an instant and spent the next few months power-blasting their bathrooms with d*****a, in this essay I will-
u/pinchapenny893/via reddit

7. What Was Your Childhood Like?

A tweet by a user named "Dinero" displaying a close-up image of a used car lighter, asking "Who knows what this is?" Below, another tweet by "The Mel" responds, "A teachable moment for an overly curious child in a car alone.
u/photographok1284/via reddit

8. We All Need To Try These Meatballs

A screenshot of a tweet by user "@edgdhh" detailing a humorous story. A customer at a restaurant ate three orders of meatballs before his wife arrived and asked the server to take away the empty plates before she saw them. The tweet ends with "WHAT WAS HE HIDING".
u/smallhazel/via reddit

9. Take That Money And Invent Snail Repellent

Screenshot of a tweet by Rob Perez (@WorldWideWob) that reads: "$10 million right now in your hand, but there's a catch: * A snail is chasing you for the rest of your life and if it touches you, you die a terrible death * The snail cannot be killed * It knows your location at all times * Its only purpose is to find you. You taking the $?
u/anxious_dare_1486/via reddit

10. That’s How They Come Up With Those Chants?

A tweet by user "troubled genius" (@daveloach2) humorously contrasts American and British sports fans. The American chant is "De-fense! De-fense!" while the British chant involves a song to the tune of Debussy's Clair de Lune about an opposing player's DUI.
u/damjan10/via reddit

11. You Just Know His Neighbor Said Something About His Leaves

A tweet by a user named Ray (@SirEviscerate) reads, "Hey, man. The leaves. They fell off your tree. They’re incredibly biodegradable, and will be gone by the end of winter. So you better hurry up and rake them into plastic bags.

12. What Did Friends Do To You?

A tweet from user "wittyidiot" (username "@stephenszczerba") says, "I often daydream about winning the Powerball and buying the licensing rights to F-R-I-E-N-D-S just to edit out the laugh tracks then releasing it back to the public for free so everyone can finally understand how un-f****** funny that s**** show actually is.
via reddit

13. An Elaborate Scheme For Love

A WhatsApp conversation is shown between two contacts. The chat discusses height preferences for dating, with mentions of various heights such as 6', 5'10, and 5'11''. The person discusses asking friends about their heights and trying to set up a meeting. The last visible message reads, "M****** what?

14. Your Pitty Is Eating Good!

Two images of a black bowl containing a mix of cooked ground beef and banana slices. The top text reads, "lunch is ground beef w banana and honey actually so good, 200 cals 22g protein." The bottom comment reads, "This looks like something you’d feed a pitbull on its birthday.
u/bandgeekchic/via reddit

15. “Easter Egg For Office Workers”

A social media post by user "a3poify" dated August 30, 2023, describes an Easter egg in Excel where pressing CTRL+left, then CTRL+down, reaching cell XFD1048576, and filling it with black can potentially print 34 million black pages.
u/forrealkiki/via reddit

16. “With Casper And His Homies”

A tweet by @iDont_Cheat offers $80/hr for cleaning a cemetery at night and asks if people would take the job. A reply by @CodeineKev enthusiastically accepts, humorously detailing how they would ensure the tombs are spotless and considering the potential for ghostly encounters.
u/ogmawk/via reddit

17. Sorry Tom

A tweet with two images of a woman joyfully extending her arms, captioned "Live every day like you're 2001 Nicole Kidman leaving her lawyer's office after divorcing Tom Cruise," and a response tweet from Tom Cruise saying, "Wow, ok.
u/cryonicsleep_1214/via reddit

18. Don’t Mess With Wyoming

Screenshot of a tweet that reads, "People from Wyoming are in my mentions insulting me for dissing their state yesterday and I’m just imagining them furiously riding a horse to a McDonald’s in Utah just so they could get wifi and tweet at me.
u/iam_unknown17/via reddit

19. “He Spoke Of The Weather”

A social media post contrasts "Normal people" with "Victorian writers" in describing someone. The normal description is brief: "I met this guy, he was average." The Victorian writer's description is lengthy, detailed, and ornate, describing the person’s bearing, intelligence, appearance, and mannerisms.
u/siempremajima/via reddit

20. I Would Love And Cherish This Dog

A meme showing a tweet from @nialltg that reads: "dog shelters: don't buy puppies, consider adoption instead. also dog shelters: this is p*********, she's 19 years old and can't live in a home with children, books, or electricity. p********* is nervous around hair and needs 400 acres of land and an orchard of extinct fruits.
u/lovingfawnx/via reddit