18 Mischievous Cat Memes That Are Just Purrfect

Cats are the backbone of the American family. Our furry little friends can make a rough day better just by existing. We could spend a whole year posting funny cat content, but here are the best 20 cat memes we could find this week.

1. Your Husband’s Wife?

A tweet from a user named Mel shows two images of a ceramic cat-shaped candle holder. The left image shows the holder lit in daylight, displaying a white ceramic cat holding a small candle. The right image shows the same holder in darkness, illuminated by the candle. The tweet's caption reads, "My husband's wife got me the cutest gift," followed by a smiling face with a hand over the mouth emoji.
u/monikagail/via reddit

2. A Cat In A Pickle

A collage of three photos shows an orange cat on a cat tree. In the top photo, the cat climbs the structure hesitantly. In the bottom-left photo, the cat is perched awkwardly. The bottom-right close-up shows the confused expression of the cat. Caption: "Please look at my child getting himself into a pickle on the new cat tree.
u/bemyheaven/via reddit

3. Kitty Toilet-Tree

A gray tabby cat is holding a roll of toilet paper in three different photos. The cat is standing upright on its hind legs and appears to be looking up with big eyes in each image. The caption mentions making the cat useful by holding the toilet paper.
u/shannon_zoe/via reddit

4. This Cat Has A Serious RBF

A woman with long blonde hair and glasses sits on a couch, looking slightly annoyed, while a tabby cat beside her stares intently at the camera. The caption above reads, "my cat has become OBSESSED with sitting in on my zoom calls and has now perfected the art of glaring straight down the camera.
u/difficult_farmer3042/via reddit

5. It’s A Love-Hate Relationship

A small kitten is playfully biting someone's hand. The hand is gently holding the kitten, which has a tan and white coat. The text above the image reads, "The only toxic relationship worth staying." The background shows a tiled floor.
u/logryar344/via reddit

6. He’ll Be Just Fine

A man with a bald head and glasses is taking a selfie in his backyard while a small kitten sits on his shoulder. Another cat can be seen exploring the grass in the background. The image includes text that reads, "I had to babysit my daughter's kitten and she requested proof that he was okay so I sent her this.
u/ninaaramirez/via reddit

7. We All Know Who Takes Priority

A man with glasses holds an orange cat while seated at a table. In front of them is a white cake with an image of the same cat wearing a bow tie. Text on the cake reads, "Happy Birthday Andrew (and Tim)." The caption above reads, "When your husband and cat share a birthday.
u/Numerousbeach1420/via reddit

8. You Can’t Fight The Cuteness

A person in a green shirt is holding an orange tabby kitten. The text above the image reads, "My parents raised me to hate cats. 6 months after living with a roommate and their cat, I now have a buddy to watch sunsets with.
u/character-score1720/via reddit

9. 2 Behemoths On You

A meme featuring SpongeBob SquarePants lying in bed with a tired expression, accompanied by two cats on his blanket. The text at the top reads, "How am I supposed to go to work when I wake up like this?
u/evelinetaylor23/via reddit

10. He Needs A Cold Brew

A white cat with an irritated expression is looking up at the camera. The text above the cat reads, "My cat always wakes me at 4am. Today I woke him first." The background shows a tile floor and part of a beige carpet.
u/warrior_camp859/via reddit

11. The Bad Luck Is Worth It

A meme with four pictures of cute, wide-eyed black cats. The top text reads "Black cats mean bad luck" and the caption beneath says "Black cats:" followed by the photos, highlighting their innocent and adorable expressions.
u/thekaycommander/via reddit

12. She Needs A Home Too

A cat is standing on its hind legs outside a window, holding a kitten with one paw. The text above the image reads, "Cute Single Moms in Your Area.
u/analogue_death/via reddit

13. “According To Experts”

A cozy bedroom with leafy wallpaper and a neatly made bed is shown in the top panel. The bottom panel features a black cat sitting at a wooden table, appearing to use a laptop. The text reads: "Do you sleep with your bedroom door closed? According to experts, you really shouldn’t.
u/alinawhitefeather/via reddit

14. Washcloth Or Cat Bed?

Two images of a black and white cat on a wooden floor. The left image shows the cat sitting on a gray washcloth, while the right image shows the cat looking down at the washcloth on the floor. Above the images is a caption that reads, "doing laundry...one washcloth fell on the floor...
u/jokiux/via reddit

15. He Knows You’ve Had A Rough Day

A man sitting on an outdoor chair is laughing with his eyes closed while holding a gray kitten in his lap. He has a can of beer near his foot, and his phone is in his other hand. The tweet above the image reads, "That time a neighbor's kitten rolled up onto our porch, jumped right into my lap, and stared at me lovingly.
u/glamorous_karen/via reddit

16. “He’s Nuts Don’t Go Near Him”

A meme with two illustrations of a person commenting on photos. Top: The person says "Your dog looks angry," depicting a snarling dog; another person responds, "He's fine go stroke him." Bottom: Same person says "Your cat looks cute," depicting a cat in a costume; the response is, "He's nuts don't go near him.
u/pewpewanimegirl/via reddit

17. Ricky Is A Good Boy

A picture of a cat in an open book with the caption at the top reading, "That time I left my cat at my parents for 2 weeks and they made a book." The book's title reads, "RICKY GOES TO GRAMMA'S AND GRAMPA'S 2019," featuring a photo of an orange and white kitten.
u/terrible_respectt/via reddit

18. Leo Would Be Right

A small, fluffy brown kitten with a slightly smug expression stands on a wooden floor, looking confidently ahead. Behind him are cardboard boxes. The text above the image reads, "This is Leo. He thinks he's better than you.
u/plasticadoption/via reddit